
Competition News

Superfinal Colombia

Medieninfo: Sensationeller Schweizer Sieg am Superfinal in Kolumbien

Martin Scheel, 21. January 2018
In Kolumbien gelingt Michael Sigel die Sensation! Gegen über 100 der weltbesten Gleitschirmpiloten holt er sich am Superfinal die Goldmedaille. Anbetracht der Leistungsdichte des Teilnehmerfeldes kann dieser Erfolg gar nicht hoch genug bewertet werden. Doch auch die anderen Schweizer Athleten tragen mit ihrem Auftritt zu einem hervorragenden Resultat bei. Obschon die beste Schweizerin Yaël Margelisch quasi auf der Zielgerade vom Podest verdrängt und auf den vierten Schlussrang geschoben wird, so gelingt dem Schweizern Team der Sprung aufs Treppchen. Sie belegen als Nation den hervorragenden dritten Rang! Dieser Wettkampf hat in der Szene wegen dem hohen Pilotenniveau den höheren Stellenwert als die Weltmeisterschaften! RANGLISTEN, BILDER und VIDEOS finden Sie in den Links unten. Videomaterial zur freien Benützung finden Sie hier: ACCESS VIA BROWSER: Link: Username: events2018 Password: news2018 Folders: PARAGLIDING_WORLD_CUP / Final Day ACCESS VIA FTP: Host: Username: events2018 Password: news2018 Folders: PARAGLIDING_WORLD_CUP / Final Day SHOTLIST: 00:00 - 00:13 Aerial shots 00:13 - 00:19 Pilots preparation shots 00:19 - 00:24 German team briefing 00:24 - 00:31 Laurie GENOVESE (FRA) 00:31 - 00:46 Swiss team briefing 00:46 - 00:49 Peter NÄGELE (GER) - Flying 00:49 - 00:55 Emanuelle ZUFFEREY (SUI) - Flying 00:57 - 01:46 Michael SIGEL (SUI) - World Champion INTERVIEWS: GERMAN: Michael SIGEL (SUI) / Pilot - Overall Winner FRENCH: Emanuelle ZUFFEREY (SUI) / Pilot FRENCH: Pierre REMY (FRA) / Pilot GERMAN: Torsten SIEGEL (GER) / Pilot POLISH: Klaudia BULGAKOW (POL) / Pilot - 3rd Winner Women
Superfinal Colombia

Task 9 - 87km

Michael Sigel, 20. January 2018
Today’s task was a 87km task South to Piedechinche with only one waypoint on the way in Buga. The conditions were looking more dry than the previous days and the task gave many options to fly. Finally three groups formed: one went out to the flats very fast, the middle group 5km later, while a last group stayed on the mountains for some more kilometers. The reason for that was that the valley was once again covered in shade. While most Swiss were in the first group, I decided to fly in the second group. It was working well and even the shade was no problem for us. However, as we passed the first turnpoint, we arrived in sunny hills – but they did not work well! Once again the Valle de Cauca proved to be special, as we could not find good thermals, even if the ground was in plane sunshine… Even if we arrived first there, we were struggling to get up again and it got messy once again. While some pilots had to land, we were slowly fighting our way to the goal. Finally in the lee of a hill we got a nice thermal and were able to climb enough to make it to the goal. First in goal was Spanish pilot Francisco, but Nicola Donnini won with leading points. Meryl from France was the first girl in goal. Franz Schilter was fast too, while Tim pushed too much and had to land before goal. Also the rest of the Swiss team did not do so well… Now most of the pilots have to dry their gliders, as it was raining in goal. Tomorrow we will try again?
Superfinal Colombia

Task 8 - 61km

Michael Sigel, 18. January 2018
Today started slow, as it was raining most of the night and even in the morning. That’s why the organization delayed the transport to 10. The take off was covered in clouds and the rain made the ground wet and dirty. The task was a - 8.5km entry around A15 (goal north of Zarzal) - 400m radius around A15 - 23km Exit from A15 - Goal in A15 As on the previous days, it was tricky to launch, as clouds forced to organization to close the window several times. As a result, some unlucky pilots got off too late and had no chance to race in today’s task. Lucky me I got out early, after waiting in light rain on the takeoff. Out in the air it was not much better, many cirrus clouds made it difficult to climb. The entire field was climbing in very weak thermals. However, conditions improved and we could start at cloud base. We managed to cross the valley and hit the first turnpoint. Now he had to decide: fly North or South. Both directions did not look very promising and the field split up almost 50/50. Our group went back South and we were still struggling with the opaque cloud cover and weak climbs. However, as soon as we reached the mountains, we found better thermals and managed to fly faster. As we hit the 23km exit cylinder, I pushed more than the others and had a better line, which put me in a nice position 300m higher than the rest of the field. When we flew back to Roldanillo, I found a nice 2m/s thermal, while the group did not find lift in the shade. While the others were scratching on the hill, I was under cloud base and could push out to the flatland where the sun was shining again. However, the sink was massive and I was really low when I finally found a good climb. Now it was all about climbing well and push to the goal and be faster than the Northern group. Finally the Northern route proved to be much more difficult and I arrived 6minutes before the rest of pilots. Yael was pushing hard, but did not catch the last thermal well, same for Alfredo. The rest of the Swiss team went North and Andreas was the first one that arrived from the North, but was missing the Exit cylinder by 10m…. Arrival time: 1. SIGEL 02:00:00 2. WIRTZ 02:06:38 3. REBORD 02:06:38 4. CARON 02:06:41 5. DONINI-N 02:06:41 6. GENOVESE 02:06:47 41. MARGELISCH 02:09:37 44. STUDER 02:10:07
Superfinal Colombia

Task 7

Alfredo Studer, 17. January 2018
Der heutige Tag begann am Morgen schon mit Regen. Wir wurden informiert, dass die Busse erst um 9 hochfahren würden, Sie aber damit rechnen das es aufreisst und wir fliegen können. Am Startplatz packten die meisten nicht gleich aus und tatsächlich gab es noch einen kleinen Spritzer Regen bevor es dann aufriss. Die Aufgabe ging zuerst wieder Richtung Norden bis kurz nach La Union und dann in den Süden. Die Zylinder waren gross gewählt so dass man bei bedarf ins Flachland wechseln konnte. Nach dem Start ging es flot bis La Union wo es bereits wieder etwas abgeschatet war und das Feld sich immer mehr in die Länge Zog. Es wurde immer zäher und wir drehten alles was es an Thermik so gab. Als wir wieder zurück in Roldanillo waren kam die Sonne wieder immer mehr hervor und sofort gab es wieder gute Thermik. Jetzt galt es eine optimale Linie und Vollgas zu fliegen. Die Linie im Flachen erwies sich nun als langsamer als am Fusse der Berge wo wir viel besseres Steigen hatten. Mit einer direkten Linie konnte ich ganz zur Spitze aufschliessen und wir konnten auf dem Weg zurück nach Zarzal weiterhin vollgas bis ins Gol fliegen. Da wir nicht genau wussten wie stark das Saufen im Schaten vor dem Gol war sind wir nicht mit vollem Risiko geflogen, sondern haben vor Zarzal noch drei Kreise gemacht. es reichte uns dennoch mit 1,5 Minuten Vorsprung vor den Verfolgern ins Gol. Gleich erster der Verfolger ist Michi als 6ter. Danach kommen Sie im Sekundentakt ins Gol. Zuerst Chrugel, dann Yael als zweite Frau erneut nach Laurie. mit 10 Minuten Rückstand kommt Andy und weitere 7 Minuten später auch Emma ins Gool Dominik,und Tim schaffen es leider nicht durch den Schatten und müssen frühzeitig landen. Auf dem Rückweg nach Roldanillo ergiesst sich dann ein Gewitter über uns und zeigt erneut wie nahe hier Sonne und Regen sind.
Superfinal Colombia

Task 6 - 66km

Michael Sigel, 17. January 2018
After a relaxing rest day, the team was full of power today. The only problem was, that the conditions were again quite humid on take off. We were waiting more than one hour until the clouds lifted and we could see the valley. Todays task was a 66km Zig-Zag task up North. While most of the pilots took of very fast and easy, some of us got stuck on take off for more than 30minutes, as clouds made it impossible to launch. As soon as we could launch, it was quite hectic, as we had only 15minutes left for the airstart at 12:30. Of course the time was not enough and our group had to take the start lower than the rest. But it was not too bad: because we were low, we were forced to fly out in the valley and got a really good line to the first turnpoint. The group that started high in the mountains had a pretty bad line, as clouds were covering almost the entire sky. Until we reached the first turnpoint, the sun disappeared almost completely. Everybody tried to climb in 0.1m/s thermals and when we were flying towards west, I was sure we would all bomb out. However, in complete shade and only a few dozen meters above ground we found again a lifting zero meter climb. While the lowest of the group had to land, we slowly started to climb and could reach some sun towards the second turnpoint. Now I was flying together with Tim and we could push a lot in the sun, while most of the following pilots were struggling in the shade. Thermals were difficult to find and cyclic and all of a sudden I was alone in front. On the briefing we discussed that the small ridge before the last turnpoint usually don’t work and it is better to fly around on the left or the right. Of course today the ridge worked perfectly, while my detour did not work. That’s why the group could catch me short before the goal. Because of the leading points I still could win todays task, Tim and Christoph came in a little later, Emanuelle also. Interesting side note: Laurie is currently in 3. place in the overall ranking - impressive flying from her!
Total: 3572 Einträge