
Competition News

World Cup Ecuador

Day 3 - Task 2 (67km)

Michael Sigel, 1. November 2017
Compared to yesterday, the sky was a little less covered today and begun to clear up even more after we arrived on take off at 10 o’clock. The task committee set a 67km task: Start was 13km away from the turnpoint B11 in the North. It was an in (0.4km), out (6km) and in (0.4km) turnpoint, which should give many options to the pilots to choose the best route. The goal was 30km later to the Northwest, airstart at 12:45. The sky cleared up even more and many pilots were quite excited as the conditions looked promising. However, the thermals in front of the take off were pumping, which means that some pilots were climbing fast and reliable, while others struggled a lot to get high. While Stefan Wyss had a hard time not to bomb out yesterday, Torsten was scratching half way down the hill today. As the take off is only 300m high, half the height reduces the options a lot. Finally most of the pilots climbed, Torsten included and could take the airstart at 1100m. We had nice clouds on the way to the first turnpoint, but again, the haze made it difficult to see far. When we reached B11, our group decided to go back where we came from. This for some reasons: first, we could safe the 2x400m of the radius (in case we continue on straight line), in addition we hoped that slow pilots will mark our thermals. It was working quite well, but a group that went to the west was slightly faster. But the difference was small and the leading groups met again after 12km and went together for the 30km to the goal. This part was supposed to be the easy part, but strong North wind and sudden weaker thermals surprised many pilots. Tim was a victim of this and had to land, as well as many others. Honorin Hamard from France was pushing a lot during this phase and could get away from the group. Stefan was with him, but finally had to let him go, as Honorin was higher and got a pretty good line. Yael, Nick and I were together in the chaser group, trying to close the gap again. Birds showed us most of the thermals, but it was not possible to catch Honorin anymore. He got to goal with an impressive 7minutes lead, the rest got in almost all together. Steff and Yael lost some time and got in a few minutes after us, Yanick had to land out. As Honorin was leading most of today and won with a big time gap to the group, he got almost 80 points more than the rest of us and is now leading this competition. Steff is on the 4. Place, me on the 7., Nick on the 14 and Yael is in second position!
World Cup Ecuador

Day 2

Michael Sigel, 30. October 2017
In the morning the sky was again over casted like we are already used to it. Means the team left the hotels at 8:30 and headed to the take off. To do so we need to drive 15km or 30min to the west of the city where the first small hills emerge. There we change to small 4x4 cars to overcome the 300m to the take off on the dirt road. Pilots were all on take off, a 58km task to the North was set and we just needed to wait until the sun comes out. While the weather got better and better the days before, the clouds did not disappear today. One wind dummy managed to climb some meters in front of the take off, but the conditions were not good enough to start a fair race for 120 pilots. This is why the organization decided to cancel the day at 13:00. You might ask why they cancelled that early. Here is an explanation: - Because of the small take off and poor wind conditions we need at least 1.5 hours to get everybody airborne. Even if the conditions become good at 13:30, means that the earliest time for the airstart is 15:00. Local pilots say that thermals shut down quite early around 16 or 17, which gives only a small chance to the fastest pilots to finish the task, while the slow pilots will bomb out and need to be retrieved after sunset. Anyway, after the day was cancelled, most pilots decided to fly down to the official landing. And to the surprise of everyone some of them could make 200m above launch for some minutes. But for sure it was a correct decision to cancel the day. Now everybody is back in town and pilots are looking for alternative activities like ice cream, gym or pool.
World Cup Ecuador

Arrival in Ecuador

Michael Sigel, 29. October 2017
Hello and welcome to the reports for the last PWC in 2017 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The Swiss team arrived in batches in town: While Stefan, Yael and Yanick arrived from Switzerland, Tim and Domi were already in Ecuador for kitesurfing, Franz Schilter came from Peru and I got here from Brazil. Some information about the city. Guayaquil is the biggest city in Ecuador and is situated almost at the Pacific. In the bigger area of Guayaquil live more than 3 million people, from very rich to extremely poor. The takeoff is in the west of the city, 300m above sea level. Local pilots say that the flying is quite relaxt: usually not a lot of wind and the conditions are smooth. While Thursday seemed to be quite a good day with nice cloud base up to 1200m, yesterday was much less good. Stefan, Yael and I went to the take off at 12, but the sky was completely over casted. However, pilots were slowly climbing in front of the take off. Quite motivated the Swiss team took off to and tried to climb. But the climbs were very weak (+2m/s over a cement plant reported Steff, while most other climbs were less than 1m/s). In addition the thermals usually stopped at 600m. All in all it was not a good day and after 30min we decided to land and go back to the hotel. In the afternoon, Tim and Domi arrived and we went for a great lunch in town. Today (Saturday) is the official training day. But as there is no sun out, Steff and I decided to cancel flying today. The rest of the team went to the take off, but until 12 there was no sun at all. Later the clouds disappeared and pilots reported from great flying conditions. Registration was in the later afternoon, followed by the safety briefing. This competition will be the first one that is supported by the new PWC app. That means You can now keep up with all the action on the new World Cup App which includes the entertaining live commentary, revamped tracking, leaderboard, pilot list and results. You can install it:
XC Brasil

Schweizerrekorde - Neu mit Fotos!

Adrian Seitz, 15. October 2017
Am Mittwoch ist Gebi Abächerli noch zu uns gestossen. Nun sind wir Sieben! Am Donnerstag starteten wir bereits vor 07:00 Uhr und erfreuten uns bereits über 2 Meter Steigen. Nach 100km verlor ich leider meinen Airbuddy Leandro, der an diesem Tag die 500km Marke knackte. Chrigel und Sigel zogen zu zweit eine Linie an den brasilianischen Himmel und stellten mit 482km einen neuen Schweizer Rekord auf. Wenn wir über 400km fliegen fahren wir noch ca. 3h zurück, übernachten in Quixada und fahren den Rest der Strecke am nächsten Tag zurück. Das Startprozedere haben wir laufend optimiert, sodass wir relativ zügig in harmonischen 2er Teams uns hinaufschleppen lassen. Der Freitag sah zu Beginn super aus, was für etwas Euphorie auf der Startpiste sorgte. Im Nachhinein war dann ein Start um 06:40 etwas zu früh. Am Samstag zeichneten kleinere Wölkchen den Himmel. Um 07:00 wurde erfolgreich gestartet und die ersten Kilometer unter die Flügel genommen. Chrigel,Christian und Sigel; Von Känel, Jan und Ich. Nach 70km haben sich die kleinen Wölkchen aufgelöst und wir flogen weiter ins Blaue. Die Thermikqualität war sehr gut und wurde ab dem Mittag so richtig TOP! 9 Meter Steigen. So ruhig, dass locker einhändig gedreht und gefilmt wurde. Nach 270km haben sich schöne Cumulus gebildet, wo zügiges Vorwärtskommen garantierte. Chrigel und Sigel landeten nach 515km im „Schnittlaich“ und überboten den Schweizer Rekord erneut. Christian 487km. Jan 444km. Gebi 410km. Pädel und Ich 412km. Leider verpassten wir den 5i Schlauch und landeten etwas verfrüht. Der Brasilianer Vagner stellte einen neuen Zielflug Weltrekord (deklariertes Goal) auf. Wir sind überzeugt, dass Caico als Ausgangsort für einen Weltrekord geeignet ist. Wir sind nicht mehr weit davon entfernt. Wir attackieren Morgen Montag und hoffen auf etwas mehr Wind, der unser TopTeam bis 600km trägt. Wir werden strategisch den Flug frühzeitig abbrechen, damit wir die Chance auf einen erneuten Versuch am Dienstag packen.
Swiss League Cup Final, 26., 27.8.2017

Michi Maurer gewinnt 74km-Task von Disentis nach Schiers

Martin Scheel, 26. August 2017
Der Task führte ohne Umwege ins Goal von Schiers. Kurzes Debriefing: Unten war es stabil. Dies wurde am Briefing erwähnt und konnte auch gleich nach dem Start "erspührt" werden. Ob 2300m gings aber ordentlich gut, höher noch besser. Die Basis war um 14 Uhr sehr hoch (3600m). Wer die Tracks anschaut (im Livetracking) sieht schnell: Je höher geflogen wurde, desto besser. Leider haben sich viele nicht die Zeit genommen um richtig hoch zu kommen. Die meisten von denen standen dann auch wenig später schon am Boden. Die Schnellsten flogen hoch und stiegen bei Flims bis an die Basis (Piz Segnes, 3600m) und gleiteten ins Goal. Wer aussen um X01 (Flimserstein) flog, hat sehr viel Zeit verloren. Es hatte sehr wenig Talwind (wurde am Briefing erwähnt), so wenig, dass das Soaring am Antennenberg ob Landquart nicht möglich war. Ohne Soaring gibts wenig Spühleffekt, man hätte also auch direkt ins Prättigau gleiten können (hier wäre es wichtig gewesen, die Talwindstärke im Rheintal zu kennen: Meteowebseite in der Luft konsultieren, Windrad bei Chur, Kamin bei Untervaz). Noch ein Wort zu den Wetterberichten: - COSMO E machte zu viel Niederschlag in Graubünden. Dies hatte ich schon am Donnerstag vermutet. Es schien einfach nicht möglich, dass bei der Wetterlage (und SW-Wind) in der Surselva am meisten Niederschlag gibt. - COSMO 1 zeigt zu viel hohe und mittelhohe Bewölkung, dies ist bekannt. Gestern und sogar heute morgen noch hat C1 aber auch zu viel Niederschlag prognostiziert. Heute Morgen bin ich selber "darauf reingefallen". - Heute Morgen zeigte der Radar zu viel Regen in Disentis (es hatte nur getröpfelt). - WRF war gestern Abend (wie so oft) falsch, heute morgen einigermassen richtig. - AROME war (einmal mehr) richtig, ALADIN (als 3-Tages-Vorschau) ebenfalls gut. Schlussfolgerung: 1) Im Zweifelsfall verschiedene Modelle studieren! 2) Auch den Instinkt walten lassen! Und ein Wort zum Tag: Es lief optimal. Danke auch an MeteoSchweiz, Daniela Kolar, die mich um 8 Uhr korrekt beraten hat! Wir starteten nach der Abschattung (vielleicht war es gut, dass ich verschoben hatte, auch wenn ich es zuerst bereute), vorher sind alle (Klub) abgesoffen. Auch war es gut, dass wir nach Schiers flogen, in der oberen Surselva gabs schon ab 15 Uhr Shower. Infos für Morgen folgen um 18 Uhr.
Total: 3504 Einträge