

World Cup Final Disentis

54km Task to Ilanz, Photos and Rankings

Daniel Graf, 9. August 2021
Summary written by Ruth Jessop: Day one of the first ever alpine Super Final started off with weather that didn’t even seem to impress the Highland cows grazing in front of HQ. A short sharp 54km task was set, with a turn point at Flims and goal at Llanz. The day was slow to launch but once it got going, what a race. It was anything but a straightforward ridge run. An X-Alps breakaway group led by Christian Maurer and Aaron Durogati took a route much further into the mountains reaching heights of 3300m with stunning views of the glacier and great, grey rock faces. Meanwhile, Honorin Hamard led the charge on the front ridge. Between the first and second turn points some of the leaders from the first part of the race got stuck. From what looked as if it was going to be a Swiss whitewash, Italians, Joachim Oberhauser and Aaron Durogati, took end of speed, almost neck and neck. ‘It was a day where it was turbulent in places, but an appropriate task given the conditions,’ Stephan Morgenthaler confirmed. The first 62 pilots made goal, and thus all flew the same distance, and gained the same distance points. Today’s winner is therefore the one with a combination of the best speed/time points and lead out points. 1 Aaron DUROGATI ITA Icepeak X-One/Impress 3 865 1 Joachim OBERHAUSER ITA Enzo 3/Exoceat 865 3 Adrian HACHEN CHE Boomerang 12/GR4 Gin Gliders, AXALP Technologies 858 4 Stephan MORGENTHALER CHE Enzo 3/GR4 856 5 004 Michael SIGEL CHE Boomerang 12/GR4 Gin Gliders, Jack8Jones 853 1st Seiko FUKUOKA NAVILLE 2nd Constance METTETAL 3rd Nanda WALLISER
Total: 4532 Einträge