
News Archive

16th FAI Paragliding European Championship

Task 3, kurz nach dem Luftstart gestoppt

Nanda Walliser, 30. July 2022
Der heutige Tag startete etwas harzig beim Teamleaderbriefing. Normalerweise eine doch recht einfache Angelegenheit, diesmal war alles anders. Es wurde sicher 35 min über das Scoring diskutiert, da das Airscore (GAP2022) doch ein paar Gaps aufweist. An sich hatten sich alle Teamleader auf die andere Diskussion eingestellt, die nach 10 min abgewürgt wurde. Genau Wolkenflug, wir Teamleader haben die letzte Tage eingetrichtert bekommen, dass es absolut verboten ist höher als die Wolkenbasis zu fliegen und das Wolkensoaring somit auch geahndet wird (vor und während des Tasks). Beim gestrigen Task waren aber sicher 80% des Feldes zu hoch (sprich neben eine grosse Wolke). Einige Piloten haben regelmässig spiralt (Höhe abgebaut), aber eben nur einige. Bei beiden Themen muss nun die Jury entscheiden was passiert. Nach einer Stunde Briefing ging es auf einmal schnell hoch zum Startplatz. Den Flug an sich können wir dann schnell zusammenfassen. Genau 3 Min 30 Sek nach Racestart wurde auf Grund Überentwicklungen gestoppt und kaum hat Mari das Team eingesammelt, fing es an zu regnen. Zu den Publikumsfragen: 1. Wie ist die Autogeschichte ausgegangen? Wir haben ein Neues bekommen, also für uns neu und es fährt richtig gut. 2. Was machen wir sonst? Ausrüstung checken, reparieren. Am Pool liegen, gut Essen gehen und z.B. Briefings. Das heutige Thema war “funken”. Bei uns ist es immer sehr still am Funk und vielleicht hätte es gestern geholfen wenn wir im Team mehr Wissen geteilt hätten. Julian Garcia (Teamleader Frankreich) hat Input gegeben was wichtig wäre und auch Andi hat bereits einiges ausgearbeitet. Ob die Umsetzung klappt sehen wir dann. Vielleicht hätten wir sowas auch im Vorfeld üben sollen und nicht erst hier. Falls du auch eine Frage hast, dann gerne an das Team senden und wir versuchen es hier zu beantworten.
16th FAI Paragliding European Championship

Task 2

Yael Margelisch, 29. July 2022
The said today was a good day, with south east wind, turning to south and weakening. As soon as we got airborne, we could enjoy very nice lifts up to 5m/s. waiting for the start was easy as it was lifting everywhere. Steph took a different option further in front of the takeoff which looked also pretty good, but without cloud so it was difficult to reach him. Then we headed up towards south east, and a massive convergence was all along the way. it was easy by then, just sometimes hard to keep full gas because of strongs lifts (6m/s). We took Tp 1 high and were ready to cross the valley, hoping not to end in the north side which was in the lee. We hit tp 2 and went a bit further in the cylinder to catch the thermal which was generating a nice cloud. Some of the leaders turned directly at the Tp and went back to the ridge on which we were before, Tim and Christophe took this option also. The others of us stayed on the optimized line as there were cumulus on the way. Then we crossed towards Tp 3 above the take off ridge and then I started to have doubts as there were no clouds in the flats behind. I had a very good line and could stay above the whole gaggle. it's started to be really tricky then, thermals in the flats were really weak and we had strong headwind, which wasn't planned at all. We all ended in survival mode drifting away from Tp 3. I couldn't unfortunately stay in a good position, as I was too careful, didn't want to push in the wind wall and to end up stuck. Slowly, I ended up catching the Turnpoint and again instead of coming back in the same thermal we had I was thermalling a bit more north and finally had to go back to the same thermal. It really felt like cross country in Brasil by then, taking everything to gain every possible meter. Finally above the last hills before the flats of Nis, we had 10km final glide with 12 glide to goal. Fortunately it was lifty and I got to goal easily. I've never seen such a contrast of conditions in any tasks I flew before. Crazy! Tomorrow is another day and hopefully a better day for the Swiss team.
16th FAI Paragliding European Championship

Task 1, 72.1 km, alle Schweizer im Goal

Nanda Walliser, 27. July 2022
Erster Wettkampftag und ich darf immer noch schreiben. Nach dem Teamleaderbriefing ging es um ca. 9:30 los zum Startplatz. Der Tag sah nicht viel versprechend aus und wir hatten uns auf lange Wartezeiten eingestellt. Das Lunchpaket, welche wir bekommen haben, ist absolut aussergewöhnlich, wer hat schon mal Schnitzel Pommes mit Salat bekommen? Betreffen das Fliegen, wir konnten dann doch früh starten und Luftstart war um 14:15. Kurz vorher sah es danach aus, dass wir einen Gleitwinkelwettbewerb machen, aber es kam anders. Über Nis sind wir alle sehr tief gekommen und mit dem Wind war es gar nicht einfach sich wieder auszugraben. Danach lief es besser und wurde die Thermik doch recht zuverlässig. Auf dem Weg Richtung Goal ist der Führungspulk weiter links geflogen und statt zu folgen hat meine Gruppe sich für rechts entschieden, was definitiv die bessere Wahl war. Leider etwas defensiv in den Endanflug gegangen, aber mit dem 8. Platz Overall bin ich wirklich sehr zufrieden. 1. Maxime Pinot 2. Honorin Hamard 3. Philipp Haag Die Rankings von das CH-Team weiss ich aktuell nicht, weil die Homepage nicht funktioniert, aber das komplette Team war im Goal. Oh ja, beim Mietwagen sind wir etwas über den Tisch gezogen worden, auch hier haben wir erneut die Hilfe vom Organisator Zeljko Ovuka aktiviert. Es ist grossartig wie er uns hilft. Die Fotos im Flug hat Yael gemacht.
16th FAI Paragliding European Championship

Teil des Teams Opfer des Gepäckchaos in Zürich

Nanda Walliser, 24. July 2022
Das CH-Team besteht aus: Tim Bollinger Christoph Dunkel Yael Margelisch Stephan Morgenthaler Andreas Nyffenegger Nanda Walliser Betreuerin/Fahrerin: Maristella Pricoli Die Anreise des Teams Tim und Christoph (inkl. Mari) sind direkt von Mazedonien wo letzte Woche noch eine PWC stattfand nach Nis (Serbien) gereist. Die restliche Team Mitglieder haben sich gestern früh in Zürich getroffen wo sie dann tatsächlich alle Check ins getestet haben. Nachdem wir dann unser Sperrgepäck aufgeben konnten (offiziell kein Sportgepäck) ging es zügig durch die Kontrolle zum Gate. Mit dem Bus zum Flieger wo wir doch alle noch zufrieden waren, weil wir unsere Gleitschirmsäcke auf dem Gepäckwagen sehen. Wo wir in Belgrad angekommen und das erste Mal die Herrenlosenkoffer bei den Gepäckbänder gesehen haben, haben wir nicht schlecht gestaunt, aber kein Problem da wir ja unser Gepäck noch gesehen haben. Das Sperrgepäcktor öffnet sich, aber es kommt nur einen Hund raus. Kein Problem, der Flieger war schliesslich voll. Nachdem dann das Gepäck vom nächsten Flieger kam und die Runden in die Gepäckhalle auch nicht unsere Gleitschirme hervorgezaubert haben, sind wir nochmals angestanden, aber diesmal um den Verlust zu melden. Die Anrufe bei Swiss haben nichts gebracht, sie fühlen sich nicht verantwortlich. Der Organisator des EMs versucht nun sein Bestes. Heute (Montag 25.07) kommen nochmals zwei Flieger aus Zürich in Belgrad an, drückt uns die Daumen! Sonst ist heute die offizielle Einschreibung, Safety Briefing und Eröffnungsfeier und morgen der Traininingstask, so richtig geht es erst am Mittwoch los.
Delta EM Monte Cucco, Sigillo, Italy

Tasks 8 and 9 / Price giving

Toni Crottet, 23. July 2022
Two more tasks were flewn at the 21st European Championships. The conditions came more and more fast with quite big convergence zones beeing famous for fast flying in the area. Zanoccos fabulous comments for the last day: A memorable sunny day. An awesome situation for cross-country flying in the whole area of all central nothern Appennines mountains. In the detailed weather information, he was stateing of forming of important convergence lines over the main ridges. Petsch's comment after landing on 4th place in goal after completing task 8 was: impressive 60km of almost straight flying. Raceing under these clouds was incredibly fast but exhausting. The weather forecast for task 9 was even better. So again, as usual within these championships, no sissy days in such forecasts. Another 187km was the last task for the championships. The winner was already quite obvious, Alex Ploner did an impressive championship flying without any mistake, and did never choose a bad day. But the run on the places below him was still on. Primoz did win the day with an impressive average of 67 km/h, and this over the entire 187km one leg to the north, one to south all the way to casteluccio and back to the goal in Sigillo. Franz on our side showed his big level and could make use of the huge experience (he is in the Swiss Deltaleague since 1985!). Always landing with the top gaggle in the very front top five at almost every task - ended up at overall place 14. Unfortunately he needed a checkup at the doctor on one raceing day, but showed up that nothing bad was producing his leg pain and he could continue raceing. From Petsch we could say he would be like the German Football Team, getting stronger while the Tournament goes on. Unfortunately for him, there is no KO system with a qualifying round. Every day adds up to the total end result. He could show that he is on fire as well - landed overall place 52 after quite a catch up race. Damien 36, stable and always quite on the front did poker too much at the last task, wanting to catch up the nations ranking, landed 4km too short on task 9. All the other tasks he showed that he is able to fly with the good pilots! Jean-Daniel, on of the rookies showed a potential of flying fast when the conditions are fast too. Landed on rank 53 right behind Petsch. Ubi, stable goal reacher as we are used from him on place 65 and Simon, the other rookie on place 85. Needs to be sayd that he made goal on 3 tasks and on the others he had to land short not long from goal, doing also an impressive first appearance on the big scene! Congratulations to all the pilots performing at such a level and keep the mood high! You guys rock and we look forward to see more from you! Not only the pilots went from hell to heaven during this championships, also the supporting team did have periods of downs and ups. The Team was lead after i had to leave back for Switzerland by former League Pilot Christian "Didu" Bärtschi. A huge thank you for your support, emotions, highs and lows Lina for the cooking and driving, Beni for the driving and marvellous coaching. The whole Team did a big work in joining the championships. The preparations did start already early this year. It is important in this sport to know the selection very early, the pilots need to organise their jobs and families, some of them are self-employed so they need to manage their company well during this long absence, already this is a big job that needs to be done upfront. We did prepare ourselves on different levels, not only technicalwise but also what every ones individual goal is, how we want to appear as a team and many more aspects. Knowing that ranking goals is not the main goal an athlete sets to himself. Sure, he can have them, but he needs to set underlying goals that better tells him what to do and how to achive it. This we worked out in several meetings and flying days during the events held in Switzerland (Newcomers Camp, Club Championships, and Swiss Championships). On the technical side, its been worked out on what we use for communication gear and more important, how and what we communicate in the air, keeping in mind to be efficient, not to disturb too much and also reminding that we speak french and german. So only communicate relevant things and this in an effective way. At the physical side, when the weather is good you need a strong physical condition at a base level but also at a flying level. You need to fly a lot upfront also to make sure that the back, the shoulders and the whole body is going well flying a lot for 2 weeks. Also feeling well and "home" inside your harness and knowing your glider by heart. Franz did get the additional role of the team-captain, haveing to communicate for the team in regards to the sport-aspects. Also, the Teamleader needs a partner to discuss decisions what affects the sport performance of the gang or individual members. The whole team finally went through up and downs, which is normal in such a setup. We cannot anticipate everything. Still there is a lot to do and we need to change things that we - as a support team and competition coach - can do. We learned a lot on what we need to optimize and did also mistakes. The impact of the team is still very discussed, but i am sure if it is functioning well, a lot can be done to make the pilots do better and more important, be more happy doing it. So for us the reflection work starts and needs to be done and already start to plan the worlds 2023 for next year, Krushevo, we will be heroes once again!! Some numbers The podiums: 1. Alex Ploner, ITA 2. Christian Ciech, ITA 3. Primoz Gricar, GER Nations: 1. ITA 2. GER 3. CZE Number of Tasks: 9 Scored KM: 1329.1 km / Average 147.6km per Task Number of competitors: 95 Number of Nations present: 19 from which 15 europeans Alex did win with overall points of 8642, average of 960 points per task (very impressive!) Fastest average: 67km/h, slowest: 40.5km/h. Average average: 48km/h.
Delta EM Monte Cucco, Sigillo, Italy

Task 5-7

Toni Crottet, 21. July 2022
The Race and Championship is full on. Three more tasks has been flown since, 110km, 132km and 152km. Totalizing until now just under 1000 scored kilometers. Amazing what the Pilots do during this Championship every day such big flights. I would be very happy to fly a 200km flight in fiesch. Now imagine you do such flights every day for two weeks!! And the conditions are fairly fast, but not yet what it can be in this area, maximum average on tasks 5-7 of 46km/h. Such Championships are not just a bigger Open or a few days cross country flying. It is by far the biggest event in our sport. You have to show before thinking of joining, that as a pilot you are able to fly over 1000km within two weeks in a big field of the best pilots worldwide. Also it is an endurance test for the support team. They go from hell to heaven every day and i thank them all for their great support, Beni, Lina, Didu, you rock!! Franz is catching up everyday, always in goal with the first gaggle. Petsch struggled with Harness problems on Task 5 and now found his way into the competition as well. On Task 7 he could catch up from Rank 50 all the way to the front again. Amazing performance and shows what he is capable to. Damien is still on fire and the (i hope you guys apologize) rookies Jean-Daniel and Simon fight hard every day. There are two more days to go, so that means by far not that its over, now the hard work starts: Keep focussed, accept flying with aches and little muscle pain here and there and as usual, change only little things that need to be changed. Todays provisional task is announced to 180km!!! (I had to leave the championships, so thats the reason why there are less pictures and reports)
Swiss Acro Tour / Acte 2 / Brienz 2022

Swiss Acro Tour Brienz Plan

Louis Sutter, 20. July 2022
Hallo Zusammen Das Wetter sieht gut aus für das Wochenende in Brienz. Zeitplan: Freitag 22.07.22: (Helfer) 14h Treffen um das Floß aufzubauen und ein zu wassern, damit es für den Abend Flug bereit steht. Der Hike and Fly Wettkampf vom Feitag ist abgesagt dafür gibt es einen Abend Flug mit Landung auf dem Floss. Gefahren wird mit zwei Bussen Samstag und Sonntag: (Alle) Treffen 8.00 Uhr beim Cholplatz, Brienz. (auf Karte) Lageplan: Infos: Samstag Breefing um 8.00 Uhr. Wir werden versuchen 3 Runs und am Sonntag 2 Runs zu machen. Natürlich hängt alles vom Wetter und dem Wind ab. Die Gleitschirmausrüstung kann vor dem Wettbewerb von den Kampfrichtern kontrolliert werden. Notfallschirme müssen mit 'Maillon Rapide' befestigt werden! Sonntag Treff 8.00 Cholplatz (Frühstück organisiert für alle). Schluss ist nach der Siegerehrung am Sonntag Abend. Viel Spaß und Happy Landing Hello together The weather looks good for the weekend in Brienz. Schedule: Friday 07/22: (Helpers) 14h meeting to set up and water the raft so it is ready for the evening flight. The Hike and Fly competition on Friday is cancelled but there will be an evening flight with landing on the raft. There will be two buses Saturday and Sunday: (All) Meet 8:00 a.m. at Cholplatz, Brienz. (on map) Site plan: Info: Saturday Breefing at 8:00 am. We will try to make 3 runs and on Sunday 2 runs. Of course everything depends on the weather and the wind. Paragliding equipment can be checked by the judges before the competition. Emergency parachutes must be fixed with 'Maillon Rapide'! Sunday meeting 8.00 Cholplatz (breakfast organized for all). Closing time is after the award ceremony on Sunday evening. Have fun and Happy Landing Bonjour à tous La météo s'annonce bonne pour le week-end à Brienz. Horaire de la journée : Vendredi 22.07.22 : (bénévoles) Rendez-vous à 14h pour monter le radeau et le mettre à l'eau afin qu'il soit prêt pour le vol du soir. La compétition Hike and Fly du vendredi est annulée, mais il y aura un vol du soir avec atterrissage sur le radeau. Deux bus seront mis à disposition. Samedi et dimanche : (Tous) Rendez-vous à 8h00 à la Cholplatz, Brienz. (sur la carte) Plan de situation : Infos : Samedi Breefing à 8.00 heures. Nous essaierons de faire 3 runs et 2 runs le dimanche. Bien sûr, tout dépendra de la météo et du vent. L'équipement de parapente peut être contrôlé par les juges avant la compétition. Les parachutes de secours doivent être fixés avec le 'Maillon Rapide' ! Dimanche Rendez-vous 8.00 Cholplatz (petit déjeuner organisé pour tous). Fin de la compétition après la remise des prix le dimanche soir. Beaucoup de plaisir et Happy Landing
Delta EM Monte Cucco, Sigillo, Italy

Day 5 / Task 4

Toni Crottet, 17. July 2022
Task 4 - Go Big Event tough the thermal plafond was announced lower, they expect a very good day once again. Task is set, 201km with a leg south, one leg north, one to the west and south again to goal. There are different sections, ridge raceing but also quite some cruxes. especially the leg to the west towards the town of Gubio. It turned out that there the big separation, after around 100km did take place. But event the ridges turned out be be cyclic as well, so the pilots could always catch up in between different gaggles. Franz and Petsch were at the front, Petsch always at the very front and Franz switched always between first and second gaggle. Franz did some good choices and he ended up a marvellous third place for the day. Petsch did a bad choice at a crux, when leaving the ridge for some crossing and couldn't get up anymore and landed short of goal. JD, and Damien where struggeling, since the day is running out (which is always a problem at such tasks, not only you should be fast to be better placed, you should also try to finish the task before the day ends). This speciality is something we see more often in hanggliding competitions and unfortunately less in paragliding. So finally they landed short to goal, cause they couldn't reach the main ridge within the time needed. Simon did a bad choice before the start and he was the first doing a restart. This is only permitted on Monte Cucco South takeoff and you have to land on the official landing field. Usually the Rules allow restarts, but you have to stay within the takeoff window (which was from 12h till 14h). So the Team worked well, Beni the driver was already at the landing and a team of supporters from different countries were waiting at takeoff to help Simon do the restart. 10min after arriving at takeoff, Simon was ready to go! Formula 1 Teams could have learned from that. All in all it was a big day, congratulations to all pilots takeing that challenge for that big task and keeping their mood high. Primoz did win the task before Alex and Franz, with an average of 42km/h. Today, sunday is a rest day. There is strong NE winds and very stable seabreeze kicking in. The Pilots, the Team Supporters and also the Organizing Team deserves it.
Delta EM Monte Cucco, Sigillo, Italy

Day 4 / Task 3

Toni Crottet, 16. July 2022
Task 3 - Turbo Boost Damiano Zanocco, the weather wizard started the day with following: A beautiful sunny day and I confirm a very interesting day: high base Cumulus (3.400 – 3.700 m), strong thermal activity, wind mainly from west of low or medium intensity, low risk of big Cumulus and risk of Cumulonimbus mainly absent. Additionally he added: I think that local pilots are waiting for this kind of flying day for a long time. So the task seemed easy, 2 turnpoints, one start one goal. The tasksetting team let the pilots go discover the beautiful area of Castellucio in the south and come back to the north of the goal in Sigillo and the goal at Sigillo on the foot of Monte Cucco, 171km. And Petsch is back on track. He was behind the leading gaggle and reached them only in Castellucio half way of the task. But then, he found that famous "Turbo Boost" button on the way back and lead almost all of the rest. Ending first in goal with almost the entire "sqadra azurra" on his back, reminding the famous chase scene from the movie "Super Max" from the 80s. The winners could fly the task with more than 53km/h average. Damien on the 19th place, could keep his overall ranking. Ubaldo on place 65, followed by Simon on place 69 and Jean-Daniel on place 71. Franz has a pinched nerve in his back and was takeing off a day. Congratulations to the whole Swiss Team, everyone made goal on this high classified competition. This is very promising for the future, cause overall the team is very young. We all are looking forward to see more from this super team.
XC Ligafliegen

XC Ligafliegen BEO

Michael Sigel, 7. July 2022
Die Prognosen sahen gut aus und deshalb haben wir ein XC Ligafliegen angesagt. Bereits am Vorabend gab es via Zoom eine Wetterbesprechung und eine mögliche Flugroute. Idee war, zuerst nach Westen und dann die super Bedingungen im Flachland zu nutzen, um ein FAI via Bielersee und Schrattenfluh zu machen. Doch als wir um 9:30 am Niesen ankommen, befindet sich die Basis bereits 300m unter dem Startplatz. Deshalb mussten wir auch etwas warten, bis die Wolken einen Start zuliessen. Doch sobald man mal draussen war, stieg es unter der Basis zuverlässig und bis nach Adelboden ging es ohne grössere Probleme. Der Sprung in die Lenk war Dank einer Basis von 2400m kein Problem und spätestens ab dem Flöschhore wurde auch die Thermik richtig gut und zuverlässig. Zusammen mit Dino bin ich dann nach dem Pic Chaussy nach Norden abgebogen. Leider merkte man ab da zunehmend zum Flachland den Nordostwind (der leider duetlich stärker als erwartet war). Bei mir war dann spätestens am Greyezersee Schluss, Dino hat es raus bis nach Düdingen geschafft. Die meisten von uns haben sich (klugerweise) für ein flaches Dreieck entschieden. Doch auch auf der klassischen Route merkte man spätestens ab dem Thunersee den ziemlich starken NE-Wind. Flüge gestern: 182km – Chris Viulle 179km – Karim Krauer 165km - Giles Wachsmuth 159km – Andy Jäggi 158km – Daniel Berger 157km – Roger Aeschbacher 135km – Martina Hauri 111km - Imke Thust ********************* The forecasts looked good and therefore we announced a XC league flying. Already the evening before there was a weather briefing via Zoom and a possible flight route. The idea was to first head west and then take advantage of the great conditions in the lowlands to do an FAI via Lake Biel and Schrattenfluh. But when we arrive at 9:30 at the Niesen, the base is already 300m below the launch site. Therefore we had to wait a bit until the clouds allowed a launch. But as soon as we were outside, it rose reliably under the base and up to Adelboden it went without major problems. The jump into Lenk was no problem thanks to a base of 2400m and at the latest from Flöschhore the thermals became really good and reliable. Together with Dino I turned north after Pic Chaussy. Unfortunately, the northeast wind (which was unfortunately stronger than expected) was increasingly noticeable from then on towards the lowlands. For me it was over at the Greyezersee, Dino made it out to Düdingen. Most of us decided (wisely) for a flat triangle. But even on the classic route you noticed the pretty strong NE wind from Lake Thun at the latest. Flights yesterday: 182km - Chris Viulle 179km - Karim Krauer 165km - Giles Wachsmuth 159km - Andy Jäggi 158km - Daniel Berger 157km - Roger Aeschbacher 135km - Martina Hauri 111km - Imke Thust Translated with (free version)
Total: 4641 Einträge