
Competition News

Swiss League Open 2010

Monday we fly at Reconvilier. Turnpoints at Download-Section

Martin Scheel, 3. April 2010
There is too much crowd at "Matzendorf" take of area. We change to "Montoz". Meeting Point: 10:00 at Reconvilier, at the "tennis club l' orval": (a little bit south of the marked position, see map in the attachment) Free Coffe and croissant. Weather: NW-Wind, weakening almost down to zero, good thermals, but clouds at midday. Its possible, that the clouds spread out at 2500m, but at least later it should get good. Take off: There are take - off sites towards south and northwest. Turn-Points: In our Download section you find a zip file with a map and the wpt. Lets hope for a good day... Martin ******************************** Analysis from Friday: Even in the morning the weather reports predicted a high cloud coverage. The "hanglider-report" did basically say, that no usable thermals will be. In fact, this high cloud coverage disappeared completely during the morning. As the sun could heat with 100%, the thermals where good enough to fly in some parts: - Fanas: Week thermals from 13:00 on. Strange to fly, but the best pilot managed to fly 100km. But Fanas we could not go for only one day. - Grindelwald: Similar situation. A task would have been possible. - Interlaken: Chrigel had a "Regio-Training" with 20 Pilots. No-one could go higher as 200m above the take-off site. A task would have been stupid. In short: We should have gone to Grindelwald...
Swiss League Open 2010

Friday to Sunday canceled. Saturday evening Info for Monday.

Martin Scheel, 1. April 2010
I am very sorry... but: - at Grindelwald is 10 cm snow - tomorrow probably 40% cloud coverage from a warm-front coming + very unstable We (Urs Dubach, Chrigel Maurer) are afraid, that there is not enough sun to make the trees dry. We all believe, that the chance for a task is 50%. This is not enough for one day only. In Prättigau the weather is a little bit better. But we can not make everybody coming to the far end of switzerland for one day. In Jura is too much wind and in the West are more clouds predicted... We do "Regio"-Training at Interlaken and Prättigau. Pls. register at Chrigel (+41787107908) or Martin (+41794455163) with an SMS in order to organize the transport to the take off. Next info about Monday: Saturday evening. Jura, Gstaad or Interlaken. Best wishes, Martin __________________________________________________ Notes: Im Norden: am Karfreitag nach frostigem Morgen teilweise sonnig und trocken, in den inneren Alpen ziemlich sonnig. Am Samstag in den zentralen und östlichen Landesteilen und bis am Nachmittag auch im Wallis sowie in den westlichen Voralpen unter Föhneinfluss teilweise sonnig. Sonst stark bewölkt und Niederschläge, Schneefallgrenze bei 1400 Metern. Am Ostersonntag meist stark bewölkt und zeitweise Regen, am Nachmittag im Westen nachlassend, Schneefallgrenze um 1000 Meter. Am Ostermontag im Osten noch letzte Schauer, sonst aus Westen Übergang zu recht sonnigem Wetter. Freitag: In der Region Interlaken: Recht sonnig, allerdings AC Felder von 10-13 Uhr, die uns ev. einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen - nur schwacher W/SW Wind auf 1500m, bei "Blueme" zunehmend am Nachmittag auf 5-10kn - 3000m 15kn SW, am Nachmittag gegen Abend auf 20kn zunehmend - ganz im Westen/Jura spät etwas einsetzender Niederschlag - Druckdifferenz am Nachmittag ansteigend auf 3hp Samstag: Föhn bis in die Alpentäler 3000m 35kn W-SW (Jura mehr) - nächste Staffel Feuchte von Westen - in der Nacht auf Sonntag Genf intensive Niederschläge - später Föhnzusammenbruch Sonntag: Bewölkt und Regen Montag: Von Westen Wetterbesserung - Interlaken erst im Lauf des Tages - Gstaad, Interlaken, Jura?
Swiss League Open 2010

Pre-Information about the Weather

Martin Scheel, 30. March 2010
Unfortunately we do not have the big blue... In short: Friday and Saturday: SW-conditions with a lot of humidity, but probably not a lot of Föhn. Flying in the East Part of Switzerland should be possible. Sunday: Frontal System Monday: Getting better, the models are very different. Pls be aware, that this is a long time ahead. This information should basically say: "If you are desperate to fly, you should plan come. If you like to have a good comp: Forget it..." Next info tomorrow, same time. Best wishes, Martin *************************** My notes: Freitag 78: Recht schön, flache Druckverteilung, tiefer Luftdruck - SW-Lage, leicht föhnig - Im Süden Quellwolken und am Nachmittag Niederschlag - Wind im Jura: 1500m 15kn SW sonst weniger EM zeigt mehr Föhn, Front von Sa auf So Samstag 102: - föhnig, aber nicht zunehmend, 12, 15 Uhr 3 hp - viele Wolken (hoch u mittelhoch) - SW-Lage, Jura 1500m 20kn - im Westen beginnender Niederschlag Sonntag 126: NW-Lage, aber tiefer Druck, feucht, viele Wolken, Nachmittag verbreitet Schauer Jura 1500m 20kn W und mehr Regen Tessin verschonter, Nordföhnaufbau bis 5 hp EM gibt mehr Niederschlag als AM, Front über uns und SW jedenfalls nur mit Glück Flug möglich - wieder möglichst im Osten Montag 150: Von Westen wieder Niederschlag, schwacher Hochdruckaufbau 6hp Druckdiff NW-SW NW-Wind, 10kn auf 1500m EM: es wird schnell gut, Abtrocknen von Westen her (EM: Europäisches Modell, AM Amerikanisches Modell)
Swiss League Open 2010

Infos Swiss League Open 2.-5.4.2010

Martin Scheel, 30. March 2010
2.-5.4.2010 (Easter) Possible Flight Area The possible venues are all over Switzerland, including some close by across our borders, in Austria, France or Italy. Registration Swiss pilots do not need to register. Foreign pilots are kindly asked to register up front (see Contacts). This is only for your convenience and to make sure that you are accepted before driving here. The maximum number of participants is 80, with a maximum of 30 foreign pilots. Entry Fee The entry fee is 50 CHF (about 30 Euro). This money is basically only used for transportation to take off. Anything else you will have to pay separately by yourself. We will collect your entry fee during track-download after the first task. Announcement If conditions are good, the flight area will be announced on Wednesday (31.3.) in the evening at Swiss League pilots and registered foreign pilots will also get an SMS with informations. If the weather situation is difficult, we will postpone the decision to Thursday (1.4.), at noon. We try to be honest with our weather forecast, in order you always can decide to participate or not. FAI Cat 2-Event

Contacts - Martin Scheel:, cell phone: +41 79 44 55 163 - Swiss Federation (Sport), Elizabeth Vögtli: - Contact for registration: Send an e-mail with your personal informations (glider, cell-phone, mail) to
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