Local Regulations Swiss Cup and Swiss Cup flex 2025
Version V1, 2.12.24, V2, 20.1.25
Swiss Cups are organised by a local club in cooperation with the SHV and the Swiss League. Normally, the Swiss League is responsible for all technical matters (meteo, task, live tracking, scoring).
If the weatherreport is bad for a Swiss Cup it is possible that it is moved to another location with better flying conditions. This under the condition that the flight profit is probably good.
Swiss Cups flex are organised by the Swiss League. The location is determined by the best flying conditions, whereby the driving effort and the probable (flight) profit should be in reasonable proportion. Therefore, they are held in the centre of Switzerland, when it is likely that one good task can be flown, and in the whole of Switzerland, when it is likely that two tasks can be flown.
If the weather forecast is too bad to organise a Swiss Cup flex, regional training sessions will be offered (for Swiss pilots) if possible.
Swiss Cup Overall Ranking and CIVL-Categorie
All Swiss Cup Events plus the tasks of the Swiss Championships count towards the Swiss Cup Overall Ranking 2024.
All Events are sanctioned Cat.-2-Events.
The agenda 2025
Datum |
Competition |
Location |
Entry Fee 1/all days |
max. Participants |
possible Tasks / CIVL ID |
8.-9.3.25 |
Swiss Cup flex March, Registration and Info |
flex, according Weather |
CHF 20/40 |
80-120 |
2 / 18874 |
12.-13.4.25 |
Swiss Cup flex April, Registration and Info |
flex, according Weather |
CHF 20/40 |
80-120 |
2 / 18876 |
18.-21.4.25 |
Swiss League Open, Registration and Info |
if possible Verbier |
CHF 20/80 |
80-120 |
4 / 18878 |
26.-27.4.25 |
Swiss Cup Grindelwald, Registration and Info |
Grindelwald |
CHF 50/90 |
120 |
2 / 18881 |
3.-4.5.25 |
Swiss Cup Cimetta, Registration and Info |
Locarno |
CHF 50/80 |
80 |
2 / na |
29.5.-1.6.25 |
Swiss Cup OGO, with German League, Registration and Info |
Wasserauen |
CHF 130 |
100 |
4 / 18882 |
14.-15.6.25 |
Swiss Cup Frutigen, Registration and Info |
Frutigen |
CHF 30/60 |
80 |
2 / 18884 |
21.-22.6.25 |
Swiss Cup Lenzerheide, Registration and Info |
Lenzerheide |
CHF 50/80 |
100 |
2 / 18885 |
3.-11.8.25 |
Swiss Open Disentis, Registration and Info |
Disentis |
CHF 290 |
125 |
6 / 18886 |
30.-31.8.25 |
Swiss Cup final (flex), Registration and Info |
if possible Grindelwald-Interlaken |
CHF 20/40 |
80-120 |
2 / 18888 |
Registation fee
- For Swiss Cups, the registration fee is approximately CHF 40/day. The exact registration fee is published above and on the Event-Page.
- For Swiss Cup flex the registration fee is CHF 20 / day, free for Swiss Comp-League Cadre A, A+, B and C.
Swiss Cup:
Registration Deadline is published at the event page. If no deadline is indicated, the deadlines for ‘Swiss Cup flex’ apply.
Swiss Cup flex:
Registration deadline is "start of the competition -2days" (normally Thursday) exactly at 21:00. Afterwards, the selection and list of participants is created and the trackers are assigned. Late registrations has to pay CHF 30 / day (Invoice will be send afterwards!!). The same amount is due, if you cancel too late or if you don't show up (to cancel your registration you have to click on your name and choose „my competitions“, or send an email to info@swissleague.ch).
- The maximum number of participants depends on the location. For Swiss Cups this will be published in the announcement and above, for Swiss Cup flex only with the meteo decision for the location. Normally 100 pilots PLUS the wildcards are accepted (max 111 participants).
- Women: All women who are members of one of the Swiss leagues (not as guests). Foreign women "WPRS top 3000".
- Maximum 13 wildcards:
- 1 wildcard per regio squad (=6) and team leader (= 2)
- 5 wildcards from the organiser. For Swiss Cup flex, the 3 wildcards for the league (+ 2 from the teamleaders), so a total of 5 wildcards for Swiss League.
- 25% of the places are reserved for foreigners (mandatory share for a Cat 2 event).
- All other pilots will be selected according to the latest WPRS (also the foreigners). If there are too few foreigners registered on Thursday evening, they will be replaced by Swiss.
Wednesday evening
- Preliminary information meteo and location
- Preliminary information max. participants
- SMS to all participants, with the request to unsubscribe if participation is not possible.
Thursday evening (20:00)
- final decision on location and max. number of participants
- provisional selection
Thursday 21:00 (on time)
- Registration deadline / last time for de-registration (this will be set in the system).
Thursday 23:00 (on time)
- Publication of the selection.
Friday noon
- Meteo decision: Go or No-Go
- Final selection
Important notes
- CHF 30 / day will be charged for late de-registration and unregistered absence (no show).
- If you can only attend one day, you have to tick this box when you register.
A telegram link will be published about a week before the event. All communication will take place via this chat group. E.g. also early weather reports, details about the meeting point, task, etc.
Meeting point
The pilot must arrive at the meeting point at the latest 5 minutes after the official time. Pilots arriving late are not entitled to a free ride up and are responsible for their own meteo and task information! The entry fee must still be paid!
Check-In and Report back with SMS-Safety-System
Check-In: Befor every task all pilots have to register by sending an SMS "para start sl" to +41 79 381 60 10. Pilots who are not registered cannot be scored (also for technical reasons)!
Report Back: Immediately after landing, the pilot must report back by sending an SMS "para stop" to +41 79 381 60 10. The pilot is liable for search actions due to missed report back (plus dinner for searcher...). In case of repetition, the pilot will be disqualified.
Report Back can also be done in the Task App.
Waypoint files are published on the website and must be uploaded to the GPS by the pilot. Normally there is no help to upload the files in to the GPS.
Each pilot receives a tracker, which he must operate himself and install appropriately. If, exceptionally, there are too few trackers, individual pilots are defined who have own trackers or/and can set up live tracking themselves.
Tracker-Return conditions (if you don't return it on location):
In any case, you will be charged 10.-, or 20.- if sent too late.
- you have to send it by priority post on the first working day after the event
- in a padded envelope or cardboard
- correctly stamped for priority-post
If you do not do this, you will be fully liable for the new price of the tracker.
The evaluation of flights will be done using GPS tracks from the Lietrackers. Each pilot is responsible for his backup and must be able to send a valid igc to the organiser.
We communicate in the air with PMR radios. It is mandatory for Swiss pilots, and also highly recommended, to have one with you. The default channel is:
Chanel 7.38 (446.08125 / CTCC250.3).
A 2 m frequency is listened to.
A map of the flying site with waypoints will be handed out to all pilots.
Air navigation obstacles: https://map.geo.admin.ch Lufthindernisse
Glider chart: https://map.geo.admin.ch Segelflugkarte
The public-law regulations apply, in particular the aviation and hang gliding regulations as well as local agreements. It is the pilot's responsibility to load the files on his flight instrument and to comply with the regulations.
If nothing else is specified at the briefing:
- This airspace applies (with special regulations for hanggliders): Link, kml-file (drag and drop to https://map.geo.admin.ch or open in Google-Earth), Download
- Zero tolerance
- GPS altitude
We normally provide special airspace files. There is also a "COMP CH" layer on XContest. But please note: Follow the briefing.
Scoring and Scoring Categories (C 5.8.4)
The scoring Categories are:
- Overall
- Female
- Sport (up to EN-C. The sports class is evaluated separately, so it is not an extract from the overall ranking)
- Juniors (<26)
The order of interpretation of the rules is: Briefing, Local Regulations, Swiss Sporting Regulations, PWC, CIVL. When in doubt, use common sense. Link to all these rules.
Technical Meet Director: Martin Scheel
Scorer: Jörg Ewald
Live Tracking Manager and Safety Officer: TBD
On Swiss Cups, the local organizer will be general meet director.
It is mandatory for all pilots to be registered in civlcomps.org so they have a CIVL ID and can get WPRS-Points.
If you do not know your CIVL ID:
1) Search here https://civlcomps.org/rankings ("Search by name or CIVL ID" right below "Paragliding").
2) If you don't have one yet:
Create a new profile at https://civlcomps.org/sign-in, then click on the link "Registration".
List of documents to provide at registration (foreign pilots only)
- FAI sporting licence
- IPPI Card
- Pilot’sNational licence
- Insurance Third party liability CHF 1 Miio.
If you don’t have a liability insurance with at least 1 million Swiss franc, you can buy one at the Swiss Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (SHPA) for 30 days (51 CHF) or 120 days (82.50 CHF). 120 days is the maximum.
In addition, you can buy complementary accident insurance. It is useful if your accident insurance does not cover paragliding or hang gliding accidents in Switzerland. It costs CHF 158 for 30 days and CHF 396 for 120 days.
Order an insurance: info@shv-fsvl.ch or +41 44 387 46 83
Services included in the entry fee of Swiss Cup flex (Services on Swiss Cups: Are published on the Event-Page):
- Turnpoints files
- Digital Map and Link with take-offs, turnpoints, landings, restricted areas
- Task-App (for Level Messages, Report back and more, only works with Swiss Trackers)
- Trackers
- Normally Water on take-off
- Normally Toilets on take-off
- Transport to take-off
- Scoring
- Live-tracking
- Daily meteorology briefing
- Very informative task-briefings
- On an occasional basis, we will offer coffee or aperitifs at a debriefing
Local Regulations 2022
Local Regulations 2023
Local Regulations 2024