
Delta News

Pre Wordls, Registration and first day

Toni Crottet 21. July 2024 Pre-Worlds Àger, ESP
Registation day: A lot of known faces and a lot of registered pilots from all over the world is a sign of a very successful Pre-World. 28 rigid wings with our swiss representaion with Julio and 112 flex wings with 10 present swiss pilots is a big field.

Some of the early arrivals could go fly before registration. The potential of the area is big. Strong conditions with a big playfield shows the potential of the coming days. Lifts of plus 7m brings us flying pilots very fast to the top at around 3500m. A lot of smlining faces at the landing field just before registration is rounding up that day.

First competitions day is cancelled due to a cold front bringing wind from the north and a cold snap for the valley ending in freezing temperatures of only 30° celsius.

The next days the weather look very promising with weak winds.

In the swiss team, we have been working since march this year towards this event. Haveing lots of meetings every 2 weeks to every month, setting personal goals and learning from each other, but there is still a long way to go. Unfortunately the weather in Switzerland didn't allow us to actually train much together.

Still, big questions are open on what is a good, efficient radio communication during task and what really means efficient and fast flying has to be answered. Everyone working on its own aspects.

Pre-Worlds Àger, ESP


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