
Competition News

We will make the Swiss League Cup at Brig, Take Off Saturday is Fiesch

Martin Scheel 20. September 2013 Swiss League Cup Final
We will make the Swiss League Cup at Brig, Take Off Saturday is Fiesch

Meeting Point 1:
Landing zone and Party
Gewerbestrasse 7, 3911 Ried-Brig (from A9 you arrive directly at Tomi Sport - use this Parking)
N: 46° 18' 51'', O: 08° 00' 38'', Swiss Grid: 644054, 129357, UTM: 32T 423820, 5129430

Meeting Point 2:
The Car will pick up pilots on the mains SBB Station at Brig at 10:15 (Train arrives at 10:11). We will organize the transport of your luggage.

Meeting Point 3:
Cable Car at Fiesch at 10:30 (we will go up as soon the Car arrives!)

Briefing Galvera Take Off 11:20

Party at landing Zone:
Tent or sleeping in the car is for free at landing zone.
Hotel Simplon is 3 minutes from landing zone: Pls book at Raoul: 078 757 32 49

Use the Turnpoints form SM Fiesch 2010. You can download them in our download section:

It is recommendet to enter the new landing zone manually:
N: 46° 18' 51'', O: 08° 00' 38'', Swiss Grid: 644054, 129357, UTM: 32T 423820, 5129430


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