
Competition News

Training day

Elie Bourdilloud 14. July 2012 Paragliding World Cup Portugal
Hi everybody !

So here we are in Montalegre... Strange, there're only 2 Swiss pilots. Even more strange : Both are Romands !

Joël and I made a nice (even though windy) flight today. The playground looks very nice and tactical (mostly high plateau with small hills).
It seems the weather might be good for the whole week !!! That'll teach those who thought it was never flyable here :P

Tomorrow is the first task day. Stay tuned !



During the World Cup the weather has been flyable all week as well. But we where not allowed to fly because of buschfires :-(.
So lets hope that you don't get fires!
And thanks Elie for the reports. Good luck.

Martin Scheel on Monday, 16. July 2012, 08:20

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