Paragliding World Cup Portugal
Tasks 2 and 3
Elie Bourdilloud,
18. July 2012
So we now have 3 tasks... sorry, we didn't find time to give you news yesterday ;) We'll make it up to you with good results and nice pics, as you'll see below. Yesterday's task was a 50 km zig zag. Because of the wind, the zigs were pretty easy but the zags not so much... The thermal tops were pretty low (max 2100m), so it was more and more difficult as the evening grew close. Only 14 pilots made goal ! Many landed just before the last turnpoint, Joël and I included. Now for the good news of the day : Joël came second in goal !!!!! Congrats Papa =D The third task was a very nice 97km triangle course. The conditions were pretty versatile : at first we had strong thermals with high tops (around 2'600 at start). Later, around the second turnpoint, we climbed so high that it became difficult to stay under the 2'950 m airspace limit. And finally the thermals became very week, and we were all very low to take the two last turnpoints. We were fighting in sometimes +0,3 thermals to stay in the air !!! That's when the first group, Joël included, managed to fly better than the others... and came earlier in goal. The final results of the day are not yet known, because some pilots were asked to bring their backup GPS in order to confirm airspace infringments. It seems tomorrow will be yet another awesome day ! =)