
Competition News

Task 9 - 87km

Michael Sigel 20. January 2018 Superfinal Colombia
Today’s task was a 87km task South to Piedechinche with only one waypoint on the way in Buga. The conditions were looking more dry than the previous days and the task gave many options to fly. Finally three groups formed: one went out to the flats very fast, the middle group 5km later, while a last group stayed on the mountains for some more kilometers. The reason for that was that the valley was once again covered in shade. While most Swiss were in the first group, I decided to fly in the second group. It was working well and even the shade was no problem for us. However, as we passed the first turnpoint, we arrived in sunny hills – but they did not work well! Once again the Valle de Cauca proved to be special, as we could not find good thermals, even if the ground was in plane sunshine… Even if we arrived first there, we were struggling to get up again and it got messy once again. While some pilots had to land, we were slowly fighting our way to the goal. Finally in the lee of a hill we got a nice thermal and were able to climb enough to make it to the goal. First in goal was Spanish pilot Francisco, but Nicola Donnini won with leading points. Meryl from France was the first girl in goal. Franz Schilter was fast too, while Tim pushed too much and had to land before goal. Also the rest of the Swiss team did not do so well…
Now most of the pilots have to dry their gliders, as it was raining in goal.
Tomorrow we will try again?



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Hopp Michi!
Wir drücken dir die Daumen!
Hol dir den Sieg!

Stefan Wyss on Saturday, 20. January 2018, 22:05

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