
Competition News

Task 8

Alfredo Studer 19. August 2016 14th FAI European Paragliding Championship 2016
Today we had a smaller Task and earlier start because of predicted thunderstorms in the afternoon.
At the start it was sometimes not so easy to find a good thermal, but finally everyone was on the cloudbase around 2200m over the ridge.
When we flew out for the startgate the flatland just started to work slowly and so almost all pilots went to the only thermal on the way to the first turnpoint on the opposite side off the valley near Prilep.
From there we had to fly south to the small hills in the middle of the valley where always the best thermals wait for us. So everyone was pushing hard and didn't thermal to the top because we had some headwind which increased in the hight.
Then we flew again to the east for the last turnpoint. the leaders choosed the direct line and had much sinking. I went more right and could stay higher and caught up to the first pilots.
The Instrument was showing a glideratio 1:12 to goal but we expected some thermals on the way to goal and pressed the speedbar full. And we were right. We passed to more thermals in fullspeed and arrived 150m above goal.
Unfortunately there where some pilots they could accelerate more then me and passed before end off speed. But still happy with my flight today.
The jungsters came just one by one after me in to goal. M. Sigel was expecting more sinking and went a bit later into goal. Ema had to much disadvantage today with here glider but still made goal meanwhile Yael could not catch the thermal after the last turnpoint and was forced to land outside not far from goal.
But the titel off the unluckiest we must give to Primos Souza. He was first in and needed to throw the reserve 500m before the line because of a cutted line after a colapse.
All in all a good day for the swissteam :-)
Looking forward to the last Task tommorrow.
crossing fingers :-)


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