
Competition News

Task 3: Bester Schweizer Alfredo Studer auf Rang 32

Martin Scheel 27. June 2018 PWC Italy
A 103 km task was set from the Meduno take-off today.
The first part of the course zigzagged about in front of launch giving a choice of mountains or flats. The goal was in a stunning location literally in the mouth of the Alps.
It was both a technical and very interesting task, with a north wind high up and a southerly flow out on the plains.

Today it was Honorin’s birthday and his task! He took a different route to everyone else halfway round the course into the mountains, which gave him a lead of several minutes. He was then able to use the following gaggle as thermal markers and arrived in goal with 1000m to spare and 100% of the lead out points.

A further 70 pilots joined Honorin giving a grand total of 71 pilots in goal at the end of a day of blue skies, sunshine and stunning views of the big mountains.

Top 3 overall
1st Honorin HAMARD
2nd Joze MOLEK
3rd = Julien WIRTZ
3rd = Aaron DUROGATI

Top 3 ladies
1st Seiko FUKUOKA NAVILLE (5th overall)
2nd Klaudia BULGAKOW



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