Task 2: Yael Margelish 3., Steph etwas langsam, aber Dominik Breitinger nun 6. im Gesamtklassement (und Yael 3.)
Martin Scheel,
26. June 2018
Despite rain in the morning and cloud base below launch, the Task Committee insisted that today was going to be taskable. A 53 km, three turn point task, was set taking the pilots on a tour of the plains. What initially looked like a short task with few options, really split the pilots up. Rolf Dale summed the day up nicely. ‘Great task setting kept us away from the rain. Despite the weather forecast it was a brilliant day with nice thermals all along the course line. The last, into wind leg, to get to goal was very difficult and cyclic, putting some of the leaders on the ground. After a lot of perseverance, 108 pilots made goal. Some taking 40 minutes to fly the 2km from ESS to Goal! Top 3 overall 1st Jurij VIDIC 2nd Marco BUSETTA 3rd Primoz SUSA Top 3 ladies 1st Klaudia BULGAKOW 2nd Meryl DELFERRIERE 3rd Yael MARGELISCH