
Competition News

Task 1: Housi gewinnt!

Jörg Ewald 26. January 2012 Weltcup-Final 2011 in Valle de Bravo, Mexiko
Die Ehre, über den ersten Task zu berichten, steht Housi Bollinger zu:

After three training days with nice flights, we could start the comp today. The task was a race with the first turn point in the flats with some nice headwind, then we had to cross the ridge and find a turn point on the other side of the lake with tailwind, but then we had 20km against the wind in the flats to the ridge and back to the landing by the lake. The race was quite short 61.5km and a winner time of 1h40min.
For the start, we had to wait in some bubble thermals, and each group was once high and then low again, but by the start opening, we were all quite high over the ridge and all pilots started by following their GPS arrow. It was looking quite easy but the head wind was stronger then expected and we tried to take all thermals until the turn point. Back to the ridge was easy and all pilots met again at cloud base. For the long glide over the lake to the second turn point was quit easy, but we had to stay high for the next turn point on the ridge. With headwind, our glide ratio is very bad and we had to work hard to come back to the ridge. I had a very nice line and I could overtake the small group in front of me and finally I got first to the end-of-speed-section with a 3 seconds lead.
It was a very nice task, our Boomerang X is very easy to fly and the performance is as good as the others. With this wing, even an old legend like me is able to push and nobody is overtaking you from the back.
We will fly every day and it will be hard to keep this positon, but it will be very nice to see who is the best pilot here.




Hallo Hausi und alli!
Gratuliere! Ist ha Hammer!
Ich wünsche euch weiterhin alles Gute, viel Erfolg und auch viel Spass!

Martin Scheel on Thursday, 26. January 2012, 20:50

Super news, danke für die Berichte, ich dachte schon Ihr liegt alle mit Mexico-Grippe im Bett. ( Kennt man ja von Valle ein bisschen...)

Hopp Housi!!

Stefan Land on Thursday, 26. January 2012, 07:32

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