
Competition News

OGO: Will take place! Information and Meteo

Martin Scheel 14. May 2024 OGO international Open 2024

The OGO will take place. Whether we start on Friday (registration Thursday evening) or Saturday (registration Friday evening) will be decided tomorrow Wednesday evening.
The invoices for the remaining participation fee will be sent by e-mail today.

Very important:
If you can't take part, cancel your registration! Otherwise you will take the place of another pilot.


Generally flat pressure distribution and thus daytime weather. The forecast for Friday is still uncertain due to a small low in altitude.

Very cloudy with precipitation until midday.
The forecast is still too uncertain, which is why we don't want to cancel the day yet.

Good day. Good thermals with 1-3/8, base 2200, medium cloud cover developing in the afternoon. Showers possible (later) in the afternoon.
Surface valley winds
1500m 5-10 SW
2000m 10-15 SW
3000m 20-25 SW
The SW wind is a bit of a worry, we may have to move to the Kronberg.
The forecast for Saturday is relatively certain

Saturday evening some precipitation likely.

Residual moisture in the morning.
Little wind, at 3000m 5-10 SW, possibly isolated showers and (possibly denser) cloud fields.

As Sunday, but clouds and possible precipitation in the afternoon.
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OGO international Open 2024



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