Dave Prentice: 423km: New Unofficial PG World record in Zapata, Texas,
Martin Scheel,
21. June 2002
On June 20th Dave Prentice flew 240 miles/386 Kilometers to set a new unofficial world distance record. Dave got on tow late in the morning and landed 45 minutes earlier than he needed to. If he had been in the air the extra 1.5 to 2 hours he thinks 300 miles was possible. June 21 - Listening to David\'s words of advice, Will Gadd got on tow early the next day. Actually Dave Prentice returned from his XC flight at 5:30 AM and towed Will up as soon as it looked good. Talk about team work and sportsmanship! Dave\'s record stood for less than 24 hours as Will Gadd flew 263 miles/423 Kilometers to set yet another world distance record. (Info Borsatillo, 24.6.02)