
Competition News

World Cup Andradas, Brazil

Day 3 Task 3

Yael Margelisch, 11. September 2019
aujourd'hui, le task comitee nous propose une manche en forme de triangle FAI de 104 km. Les jours se suivent et ne se ressemblent pas forcement, nous n'avions que très peu de vent au décollage, et un choix d'orientation s'imposait donc. Nous décollons donc de l'autre coté, et nous n'étions pas très sûrs que l'extraction se passe bien. Finalement, les conditions étaient déjà très généreuse et cela se passera sans problèmes pour tous les pilotes. Dès le start, 30min plus tôt que les autres jours, nous devons nous veiller à pas dépasser l'altitude limite de 3048m. Les conditions sont excellentes, et malgré le vent, nous progressons vite. J'essaie de garder le contrôle sur le groupe, mais ca rebondit partout et c'est difficile vraiment à conserver une position de dominance. La seule difficulté majeure de cette manche se trouvait juste avant B2, ou le groupe de tête se fait coiffer par d'autres qui ont prit la B2 plus à l'ouest. Des urubus ont montré un thermique, mais trop peu d'entre nous les ont vu. On se retrouve à devoir lutter assez bas, pour enfin recentrer correctement et partir pour le glide final. Les instruments sonnent à 12, mais dès que nous partons, nous sentons que ca va être compliqué. On gonfle donc à la montagne et ca marche très bien, et on arrive à rentrer sans enrouler. Dan rentre en 1er, au dirait qu'il est à son aise dans le top 25 ;-). Je rentre 1ere fille suivie par Emanuelle. Albino est aussi dans le coup. On attend encore les résultats, car apparement les retrieve sont pas évidentes pour Jörg notamment. La suite de la semaine s'annonce pareille en terme de conditions, on va encore bien s'amuser !
World Cup Andradas, Brazil

Day 1, task 1

Jörg Ewald, 9. September 2019
With today’s task, the PWC Brazil has started in the rolling hills of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. We are based in the town of Andradas, about 200 km north of Sao Paulo. A 69.5 km task over 3 turnpoints was set that allowed us to fly with or across today’s notherly winds, which is often an indicator of a fast-paced race with many people in goal. Fortunatly for the Swiss team, our team leader Jörg has just placed second in the Brazilian Championships last week so we have a proven specialist of the Brazilian semi flats (editor’s note: weeeellll…). We held a short Swiss meeting before the task announcement, with critical information that turned out to be very helpful for me. After some struggles with the life tracking on launch we were again reminded to adhere to the maximum altitude limit of 3049m for this week’s competition. With the Swiss team taking off early (must have been Martin Scheel’s influence :) ) we were all rather well positioned at the start gate at 13:00 local time. The field split up in two gaggles, with the eastern gaggle having a better line to the first turnpoint. Here i lost sight of the rest of the team and was following Jörg. We were able to form a small escape team of approximately 10 pilots who circled up a different core than the main gaggle. Too bad the leading point formula of the PWC has been changed this year, otherwise our small group would have collected most of them as we were only caught up after half the race distance. Now it was massive gaggle flying and very important to choose good lines as the leaders were under constant attack from behind. An 8:1 required glide ratio to goal turned out to be not enough for a direct glide into goal, a piece of information that Jörg formulated wisely before the race start. Dan, Albino, Jörg and me arrived in goal. Unfortunately, Yael got low at the first turnpoint, and couldn’t recover. Emanuelle started well, but fell back in every transition, and in the end landed 7 km short of goal. The fastest pilots flew the task in just under 2 hours, and the next 50 arrived within 3 minutes. Dan was the fastest Swiss but seems to have climbed a bit too high before the start. We’ll see if handing in his own instruments will reduce the penalty tomorrow. The provisional ranking for task 1: 1. Chigwon Won (KOR), 997 … 28. Philipp Bethge (SUI), 967 … 35. Franz Schilter (SUI/PER), 963 … 42. Jörg Ewald (SUI), 959 … 62. Albino Malli (SUI), 923 … 100. Dan Morand (SUI), 537 (Penalty: 431) … 106. Emanuelle Zufferey (SUI), 397 … 112. Yael Margelisch (SUI), 118 The forecast looks good for the coming days and promises ample time for racing hot paragliders around the Brazilian skies, we are happy to be here, and are looking forward to the next days! Photos on the ground: Zenilson Rocha
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