
Competition News

Superfinal Mexiko

Selektionen Superfinal, Kalender 2012 und PWCA decision regarding 2012 Tour

Martin Scheel, 2. September 2011
10 Schweizer sind "instant" selektioniert - gleich viele wie Franzosen. Nur bei den Frauen schlagen sie uns. Regula STRASSER (567) Anders BAERHEIM (35) Joël DEBONS (34) Joerg EWALD (174) Adrian HACHEN (107) Alex HOFER (32*) Michael MAURER (195) Stephan MORGENTHALER (811) Peter NEUENSCHWANDER (305) Michael SIGEL (20) Stefan WYSS (61) Mit der "Warteliste" dürfte noch Dominik Frei (17. in Kolumbien) dazu kommen, das heisst 11+1. Gratuliere! Die Weltcup Events 2012 Brazil, Castelo, 17-24 March 2012 France, Talloires, 12-19 May 2012 Portugal, Montalegre, 14-21 July 2012 Macedonia, Krushevo, 4-11 August 2012 (General Assembly) USA, Sun Valley, 18-25 August 2012 Columbia, Superfinal. To be confirmed PWCA decision regarding 2012 Tour The PWCA Committee has voted to introduce serial class for a temporary period including the complete 2012 World Cup Tour and/or until such time as a Competition Class is established. All events flown during 2012 as well as Superfinal 2011 in Valle de Bravo, Mexico, will be flown on serial class gliders. Notwithstanding tha fact that the World Cup has an enviable safety record, the PWCA continues to develop mechanisms to improve all aspects within the competition environment and holds the firm belief that safety in competition is the result of combined factors and not simply the type or class of glider flown. A review of this decision will take place during the 2012 PWCA General Assembly in Macedonia in August 2012.
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