
Competition News

2010 Piedrahita XC open

Great week in Piedrahita for the 2010 XC open

Reynald Mumenthaler, 6. September 2010
As usual, we had a great week during the 2010 XC open in Piedrahita. We flew every day except Wednesday (due to thunderstrom) and each day some pilots flew more than 100 km:-)))) Some of us spent more than 30 hours in the air during that week and flew more than 800 kilometers in total!!! In addition, the swiss guys scored well as we finished 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,7th & 13th at the overall ranking. Simon Campiche won the serial class with his Omega 8!!!! Furthermore, the alpsfreeride team (M. Muller, P. Riboni, P. Tomassi & R.Mumenthaler) is the winning team. Finally, Petra Zellweger finished at the 3rd place of the women ranking. But beyond numbers and results, this competition was great because we flew in all possible directions arount Piedrahita and we saw some amazing landscapes during all our flights. Here the results: 1. Bellemin, Maxime, FRA, Niviuk Icepeak 4 2. Muller, Martin, CHE, Gin Boomerang 7 3. Tomassi, Paul, CHE, Ozone Mantra R10.2 4. Mumenthaler, Reynald, CHE, Ozone Mantra R10.2 5. Riboni, Philippe, CHE, Ozone Mantra R10.2 6. Oesterberg, Magnus, SWE, Up Edge 7. Campiche, Simon, CHE, Advance Omega 8 8. Veronesi, Luca, ITA, Ozone Mantra R10.2 9. Hinas, Tobias, SWE, Ozone Mantra R10 10. Wieber, Matteo, ITA, Niviuk Icepeak 3 the complete results are available here: You will find below few pictures and more are coming on Tough to be back at work today..... All the best for those ones going to the super final. Cheers, Reynald
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