
Competition News

Day 7, 3. Task

Alfredo Studer 17. December 2011 pre-PWC Porterville
Today 9 they annonced to fly a task today because thefriends of The Pilot who departed yesterdy said he would love we continous the comp.
So all Pilots went to the start for a Race to Constriction. Airstart 13:00 it was tricky to stay up and find a way to catch the Startcylinder in the Flats. 10 minutes for the start i was very low. About 650m seelevel :-( then i catched a good low thermal and at the top whe where about 10 Pilots in that thermal and started the race togheter. We worked very well and tryed to fly just straight on the edge of the mountains. A few km before Citrusdal we made hight to cross the ridge behind. I did'nt climbed to the top pilot and decided to go. The higher Pilots followed immediatly and we flew into the flats. Again I catched a good thermal and we all made some hight in the middle off the Valley. A other group off pilots continued on the ridge and where very low over Citrusdal and catched something there. So I started my glid toward this group and had a good line with 2m climb half the way. So I catched up with this group. They where climbing in 2m. After 3 turns i got bored and said i want to fly straight. And so I did and nobody followed me anymore. I could take a other good thermal after Citrusdal and started the glid to goal. But I catched big and long sink! About 3 km before Goal I was about 200m ground and catched the last thermal I needed. So i was still about 2 minutes before Pepe in Goal!!!
Yesss! My first time I wan a PWC Task :-)
Nanda, Hans Jürg and Benni made Goal as well and Beat landet just before Goal.
So the whole team had a good day! :-)
Tonight price giving ceremony at head office in Porterville...


Hi Fredy, congratulations for your performance and for the result of all swiss team

Albino Malli on Monday, 19. December 2011, 11:54

Herzliche Gratulation aus der weissen Schweiz!

Alex Graf on Monday, 19. December 2011, 09:48

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