
Swiss Open Scuol, Gleitschirm Schweizermeisterschaft

27. June - 2. July 2022

Local Regulations, Ausschreibung Deutsch

Registration deadline:
Sunday, 26. June 2022 18:00
If you pay after 21. June you have to show payment receipt at registration !

Corniglias d'Engiadina

Entry fee:
CHF 295.-
- Reduced registration fee for foreign pilots (living outside Switzerland): 250 Euro
- Free entry for pilots on WPRS < 50 (ranking  2022-03-01)
Bank ZKB, 8010 Zürich, Kto. 1126-0032.536 Clearing Nr. 700 IBAN Nr. CH44 0070 0112 6000 3253 6 Swift/BIC ZKBKCHZZ80A Note: SM Scuol

Number of participants:
Max 130
Program as pdf

Registration at HQ
Sunday 18:00 - 20:00
Monday 8:00-9:00

Monday to Sunday
- From approx. 11 a.m. (After Start Task) Tandem offers
- From 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. catering (Friday to Sunday until 10 p.m.)
- Thursday evening: Pilots' evening

19:30 to 20:00 Concert Cinzia Solo
20:00 to 20:15 Acroshow Akroclub Zentralschweiz
20:15 to 21:45 Lecture by von Känel

15:30 to 15:45 Acroshow Akro Club Zentralschweiz
16:30 to 18:00 Cinzia concert bit band
18:30 to 18:45 Acro show Akroklub Zentrlschweiz
19:00 Award ceremony

Friday to Sunday:
Testival Niviuk and BGD

It is very important that you load both airspace-Files:
1) official airspaces Switzerland (airspace-switzerland-comps.txt)
2) Special airspace Scuol (AirspacesWildlifeScuol.txt)
Join the Telegram-Group
Technical meet director:
Martin Scheel
Time Based System TBS with progress bonus (same formula as PWC).
Jörg Ewald
Local Website:

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