
Delta News

Registration & Opening Ceremony, Training Day and Day 1

Toni Crottet 12. July 2022 Delta EM Monte Cucco, Sigillo, Italy
Registration and Opening Ceremony
The entire city of Sigillo at the foot of the famous Monte Cucco was full of fans and competitors. A wonderful start of the 2 weeks Competition. Every evening, there is program, concerts and events at the main piazza of Sigillo.

Training Day
The Training Day is important for everyone, the competitors, the supporting teams and even for the organizers to change things that need to be changed. The Swiss Team flew all the 108km task, commenting: "its gonna be fast". they all did the task in less than 3 hours.

Day 1
Day 1 is cancelled due to cloud coverage and early thunderstorm. Damiano Zanocco is famous for his brilliant weather forecast, so we trust his judgement completely.

Delta EM Monte Cucco, Sigillo, Italy



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