
Competition News

Weather report Saturday, meeting for training task 9:15 at HQ

Martin Scheel 7. August 2015 World Cup Disenits

The day starts pretty sunny, cumulus will rise up (some more as we like) with thunderstorms in the afternoon. Probably the first rain will be at 15h.
Wind should not be a problem.

We will make a training task.

Meeting 9:15 at Headquarter
- to get map and cable-car-ticket
- No upload from waypoints (Ulric arrives later)!
- You can download them yourself.


Partially sunny, but partially rainy. Problem can be the wind. But I see a certain chance to make a small task to Flims.


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the wpt file on shows "bad line 1" when I try to open it with gps dump!
like this it is not posible to put the waypoints on the gps.

Alfredo Studer on Friday, 7. August 2015, 23:03

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