
Competition News

Weather Report Monday and Tuesday, Infos

Martin Scheel 4. August 2013 Disentis Belgian Open
Today has been a nice day for flying, better as forecasted. Smooth thermals because of low laps rate in lower levels, cloudbase 3300m. Partially the SW has been remarkable at 2500m, 12 kn at 3000m. As said on the briefing, the thunderstorms in different areas around us did influence the wind systems in Disentis.
Unfortunately the task has been stopped because of valley wind.

Tomorrow we have better weather in general, but in our area it will be similar with a little bit more SW (15kn at 3000m). Tuesday again similar with again more SW (20kn). The laps rate in lower level is "bad", therefor I expect calm thermals as today. Probably we can fly to Schiers (L30).

Please note, that the weather-maps are always "twin" - for Monday and Tuesday.

Tomorrow, Monday:
9:00 Lunch and Cable Car.
10:00 Briefing Caischavedra.
Early take off.




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