
Competition News

Task 8 - 102 km to the south

Adrian Hachen 26. January 2017 Superfinal
Due to the NE wind a 102km task, similar to yesterday, was set. Today we had much less cumulus cloud than the days before. Nevertheless were the thermals strong and reliable.

Soon after the first turn point with was set east of the takeoff, the gaggle split up in two major groups. The groups rejoined after the second turn point just before the key spot of the task.

To get the third turn point we had to cross the ridge we have crossed already many times in this competition. But due to the stronger winds the lee-side was tricky to get through. Maxime Pinot and some of the higher pilots managed to catch the thermal of the day on the luv-side of the ridge and escaped from the gaggle.

By the time the other pilots had gained height and crossed the ridge the climb was gone.

With only one turn point and the goal to go the leading group with Tim Bollinger and myself were able to pull about 5 minutes away from the others.

Congratulations to the first Pilot in goal, Maxime Pinot!



Jeden Tag eine Freude, auf die Ranglisten zu schauen :-)

Martin Scheel on Friday, 27. January 2017, 09:01

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