
Competition News

Task 7

Michael Sigel 25. January 2017 Superfinal
Today we had a nice 127km task to the South. Because of the predicted NE-wind, it was more or less a one way flight with some in-and-out-turnpoints. Because we meant to fly far, the window opening, as well as the airstart was earlier than the days before. That caused already some problems, as the thermals did not work that well in the beginning. This is why a lot of pilots had left for the first turnpoint well bellow the cloud base. Once in the flats behind the Ibituruna the thermals worked well, even if they were often broken and never went up in one single thermal. As we were always pushed slightly by the backwind, the leading group never had any problem and stayed high most of the flight. Nice clouds showed us the way, even if the strongest thermals usually were not marked by clouds… It was a fast race and as soon as we got glide ratio 10/1 we went into final glide. It was a neck-by-neck race, with Idris first, Adrian second and me third, followed by Steff. Finally Russ won because of the leading points. Also Jan did very well today:)



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Martin Scheel on Thursday, 26. January 2017, 08:26

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