
Competition News

Task 4

Michael Sigel 20. April 2013 PWC Brasilien
Today was a calm day here in baixo guandu. The sky was overcasted most of the time and thats why we had only a 50km task.
Because of the cirrus clouds the thermals were very weak and after the big granit faces the thermals got very weak. We flew over the city and the tactic was simply to survive. Everyone was looking for better climbs and it was quite a mess with all those pilots trying to stay high. The leading group with stefan wyss and florian haller got a nice climb over the lake and tried to push for the first turnpoint in the north. I was between this group and the next one. The leading pilots went to a steep hill, but there was no thermal and most of them had to land shortly after. I could profit from this, made my way more through the flats and went later to the mountains, where alfredo studer got a nice climb. Together with him and a russian pilot we flew to the last turnpoint. Alfredo got a bad line and could not take the turnpoint. The russian an me could make houndred meters more at the turnpoint but then thermals shout down. By luck and better gliding i finished first today with ca. 31km.
Tomorrow will be the last day and we hope for good conditions and real racing!
Ranking overall:
1.Michael Sigel Team Spälti AG
2. Stefan Wyss Team Spälti AG
3. Adrian Hachen
4. Maxime Bellemain
6. Christophh Trutmann


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