
Competition News

Task 4

Yael Margelisch 23. August 2017 French Open
4th task of the french champs. The day started really well... I was sick in the bus to go to the take off, and then while I was eating my sandwich, I swallowed a wasp who bit me in the mouth. Great...
But there was again great conditions in the southern Alps, so let's fly anyway
I had troubles placing myself well at the start, so I took it a bit lower than the group and headed quite alone towards the amazing Pic de Bure. There we got strong lift and could catch up the leading group by getting a good line outside the thermal. Heading then to the Morgon, with 83km an hour top speed... The way back will be tricky... At the Morgon, I was in the end of the cycle and lost the leaders again. Then the task was stopped because of the wind, going backwards when entering the thermals in a very rough area. Some pilots called level 3... After 2 front collapses on bar, I was happy to land safely and end this day. Let's rest to be fit again tomorrow!
The results will not change a lot I think, amongst the women I stay 1st and should also stay in the top 20 overall. Will publish then when they are out!


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