
Competition News

Task 1 - canceled after 63 min

Yanick Lettry 9. September 2018 PWC Turkey
Today looked like a nice day for a 70 km task. Some rain was forecasted but should not have extended on the flats, the cloudbase turned out to be 3500 m.
The start cylinder allowed for a lot of strategies. Some pilots entered it from the NE (in order to fly downwind to the first TP), SE (near from the volcano) and also from the NW!
Unfortunately, we encountered rain on the courseline on the way to the 3rd TP and the task was cancelled 2 min before the task would have been valid, therefore no points for anybody.
Two storms aorund our area created a gust front which made the landing challenging, windspeeds of up to 40kmh were recorded.
Nevertheless, Philipp enjoyed his first PWC task very much!

Yanick and Philipp



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