
Competition News

Swiss Open :: postponed to Monday/Tuesday

Philippe Arn 25. July 2013 Swiss Open Haslital
hi all
nice hot weather is here at Haslital but for Saturday we see some Foehn coming (strong SW-wind over the alps). Sunday afternoon comes a cold front and it's hard to tell how fast this front will pass. Depending on the speed of the front we have now two plans:

Plan A:
Inscription on Monday from 8:00 to 11:00 with a small afternoon-task on Monday. Task and Meteobriefing at Mägisalp around noon.

Plan B
Inscription on Monday from 18:00 to 20:00 and Tuesday from 8:00 – 9:00.
Meteo- and Taskbriefing at Mägisalp Tuesday around 10:30.

Next decision and more Infos on Saturday 18:00 here..

Enjoy this hot weekend. Spend some time with your relationship and friends, jump into the lake of Brienz, relax and be ready for the competition. Tuesday and after are looking good..!

Things to do:
Your Card for the cable car company is ready to be picked up at the bottom station of Meiringen from Saturday 8:00 (pls. show your passport or ID card). Take your bike for a ride or hire a sidewalker at Mägisalp to cruise down. Enjoy coffee at the Alpentower or take your family for a hike. Interlaken and Grindelwald might be flyable for Saturday!

cheers from the organisation



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