Swiss League Cup: Definitiver Entscheid Freitag Mittag // Décision définitive vendredi midi.
As much luck we had last season, as bad luck we have this season:
Saturday: In the nor-west we will have strong winds. During the night a frontal system will pass Switzerland. Sunday: Rain remains on the centra pre-alps and the east.
Best possibility would be Fanas (but only for local distance flying (no 100+km -triangle).
The weather at Interlaken would be pretty good as well, cloud-base above 3000m, but at 2500m the prognosis gives us already 35km/h wind.
Saturday pretty good with possibility of a task, some showers in the late afternoon. But trough during the night (rain) and north-wind sunday (which will blow the clouds away).
For one day we can not move to the far ends of Switzerland. Remains Interlaken as possibility.
I would like to analyze the situation again tomorrow midday.
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