
Competition News

Swiss League Cup cancelled

Martin Scheel 22. March 2013 Swiss League Cup 2013
There are too many uncertainty. Probably the Föhn is not strong enough to clean the humidity. But I like to say clearly, that it is more lottery as a prognosis. Yesterday it looked, like the "better holes" are on a good time (during midday). Today it looks like exactly midday a sort of occlusion is going over Switzerland... Shit, shit...

Basically we are 3 persons involved in this prognosis. Meteoschweiz, Micha and myself. We all rather cancel as sending 40 pilots to the center of Switzerland. A little bit better is the east. We make a Regio-Comp.

Dominik and I will organize a Regio at Fanas or Stels. Infos will be published during the afternoon.

See you there!


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