
Competition News

Swiss League Cup annulé /abgesagt

Martin Scheel 9. March 2012 Swiss League Cup
The weather report is about the same as yesterday.

I spoke to some local pilots around Verbier: All think the same, it will be possible to fly, but not for two useable task.

An other option would have been Saturday at:
- Interlaken: I believe, that the thermals will go up to 1500-1600m, but no usable task is possible
- Adelboden: A lot of Snow, local thermals, but no usable task
- Grindelwald: Take off problems, local thermals, maybe some km...

Speaking with different pilots shows: Better we concentrate on usable days as to try everything.... We are on the beginning of March, we have plenty of time to get nice competition tasks.

Hope to see you soon!


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