
Competition News

Swiss Cup flex Interlaken: Infos, Meteo

Martin Scheel 8. March 2025 Swiss Cup flex March 2025
- Meeting point Interlaken East railway station 8:45.
- Departure 9:04 to Grindelwald (normal train to Grindelwald)
- 10 Minutes walk to the First-Station
- Meeting point Grindelwald First valley station 10:00
- Briefing terrace Restaurant First (or directly at the launch site) 11:30
- Take-off 12:30, Airstart 13:30

All informations (waypoints, airspace, informations) are in the Link. Last picture shows a provisional task.

Some cirrus clouds, solar radiation somewhat reduced due to Sahara dust

Pressure difference rising from 2 to 5 hPa (3 hPa in the afternoon)

Light valley-winds, Interlaken light west
2000m 5 kmh variable or south
3000m 5 kmh south (we are protected by the High Alps). Towards west: 10 kmh SW
4000m 20 kmh south-west

Relatively early start, moderate to good thermals, best in the afternoon
- Grindelwald, Alps 3000
- Interlaken 2700
- Emmental 2000

Wind at the take-off site:
Some models occasionally make downwind. However, the locals and gut feeling say that it is possible to take off.

Föhn wind, no task.
Interlaken (Amisbüel) should be flyable, especially in the morning.
Meteo_058 _i2e_ch_ctrl_DURSUN_R06h_012.png

Swiss Cup flex March 2025



Meteo_058 _i2e_ch_ctrl_DURSUN_R06h_012.png Meteo_059 _i2e_ch_ctrl_DURSUN_R06h_018.png Meteo_060 _i2e_ch_ctrl_CLC_009.png Meteo_061 _i2e_ch_ctrl_CLC_012.png Meteo_062 _i2e_ch_ctrl_CLC_015.png Meteo_063 _VIBN09-2.png Bildschirmfoto 2025-03-08 um 07.21.24.jpg Meteo_064 _i2e_ch_ctrl_uv10m_012.png Meteo_065 _i2e_ch_ctrl_VMAX10m03h_012.png Meteo_066 _i2e_ch_ctrl_uv800m_012.png Meteo_067 _i2e_ch_ctrl_uv850_012.png Meteo_068 _i2e_ch_ctrl_uv2000_012.png Meteo_069 _i2e_ch_ctrl_uv3000_012.png Meteo_070 _i2e_ch_ctrl_uv4000_012.png Meteo_071 _Bildschirmfoto 2025-03-08 um 06.56.58.jpg Meteo_072 _Bildschirmfoto 2025-03-08 um 06.57.10.jpg Meteo_073 _Bildschirmfoto 2025-03-08 um 06.57.55.jpg Meteo_074 _Bildschirmfoto 2025-03-08 um 06.58.30.jpg Meteo_075 _i2e_ch_ctrl_PSr_012.png Meteo_076 _Bildschirmfoto 2025-03-08 um 07.10.53.jpg Meteo_077 _06727-06734_09.png Meteo_078 _06727-06734_12.png Meteo_079 _06727-06734_15.png Meteo_080 _Bildschirmfoto 2025-03-08 um 07.13.14.jpg Meteo_081 _Bildschirmfoto 2025-03-08 um 06.55.37.jpg Meteo_082 _Bildschirmfoto 2025-03-08 um 06.55.53.jpg T1 V0.jpg


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