
Competition News

PWC Nis - Task2

Yanick Lettry 20. June 2017 PWC Serbia, Niš
Today no pilots in goal. A lot of shadows make it impossible. Yael belongs to the few survivors and was able to catch some points.
PWC report
Today we went to a higher take-off in the Svrljiske Mountains east of Nish. A 90 km task was set with three legs which zigzagged in front of launch, followed by a long leg south east, to just past Pirot.

The conditions initially looked good with blue skies and nice cumulous. Launch set a new Paragliding World Cup record for launching 120 pilots, 1 by 1, in a lot less than 120 minutes.

Sadly the conditions deteriorated and shady cycles put virtually all the pilots on the ground little after turn point three, half way round the course, after 45 km.

Today’s big star was Yury Mishanin who, from turn point 2, took a completely different route. After turn point 3, he flew a further 18 km in the big mountains to the east of the turn point.


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