
Competition News

PWC: Meteo and Infos Thursday

Martin Scheel 9. May 2024 PWC Grindelwald-Interlaken 2024
9:35 (2 busses), 10:05, (10:35):
Public Busses at Interlaken West to Beatenberg Waldegg.

11:15: Briefing at Hohwald-Parking
Earliest possible start 12:30, Airstart 14:00

About the decision, not to go to Grindelwald:
After a lot of research, we came to the conclusion that there is a 20% chance that we won't be able to take off in Grindelwald due to downwinds. This seems too high to me.

The Alpine region lies between an area of high pressure centred over the North Sea and an area of low pressure over the central Mediterranean region in a Bise current. With the increasing influence of high pressure, the air mass will dry out during the course of the day.
On the northern side of the Alps, widespread high fog with a base of 1200-1600 metres and an upper limit around 2500 dropping to 2000. In the Alps mostly clear, but in the large Alpine valleys initially partly 4-6/8 with a base of 1500-2000 m, in the afternoon 3-5/8 flat Cu or Sc 1800-2300 m.
(Gliding weather report)

Interlaken in the afternoon:
2-4/8 at 1800
Moderate thermals

Ground: valley wind from the west, 10-20? kmh
1000m 10-15 kmh W (depends on the terrain)
1500m 5-10kmh N
2000m 10kmh NE
3000m 10kmh NE
Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.02.35.jpg

PWC Grindelwald-Interlaken 2024


Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.02.35.jpg PWC-149 _Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.14.56.jpg PWC-150 _Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.15.12.jpg PWC-151 _c2e_ch_ctrl_DURSUN_R06h_018.png PWC-152 _c2e_ch_ctrl_DURSUN_R06h_012.png PWC-153 _Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.14.20.jpg PWC-154 _c2e_ch_ctrl_CLC_015.png PWC-155 _c2e_ch_ctrl_CLC_012.png PWC-156 _c2e_ch_ctrl_CLC_009.png PWC-157 _VIBN09.png PWC-158 _VIBN08.png PWC-159 _c2e_ch_ctrl_uv10m_012.png PWC-160 _c2e_ch_ctrl_VMAX10m03h_012.png PWC-161 _c2e_ch_ctrl_uv800m_012.png PWC-162 _c2e_ch_ctrl_uv850_012.png PWC-163 _c2e_ch_ctrl_uv2000_012.png PWC-164 _c2e_ch_ctrl_uv3000_012.png PWC-165 _Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.13.17.jpg PWC-166 _Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.17.02.jpg PWC-167 _Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.17.23.jpg PWC-168 _Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.16.22.jpg PWC-169 _Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.16.43.jpg PWC-170 _Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.16.52.jpg PWC-171 _c2e_ch_ctrl_PSr_012.png PWC-172 _06727-06734_12.png PWC-173 _06727-06734_09.png PWC-174 _06727-06734_06.png PWC-175 _Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-09 um 08.17.50.jpg


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