
Competition News

Pre-Information about "Fly in Brigels", Swiss Cup Brigels and Swiss League Cup

Martin Scheel 23. May 2012 Swiss (League) Cup Brigels
The "Fly in Brigels" will take place. It is a fun and flying - event, the weather looks for sure good enough for this.

There are 3 possibilities for Swiss Cup and Swiss League Cup:
1) The SC takes place and the Swiss League participates (SLC takes place in Brigels).
2) The Organizer announces the Swiss Cup, but the weather is not really good. In this case, the League can not make an own SLC in an other part of Switzerland. The SLC would be cancelled.
3) The Organiser cancels the Swiss Cup, but the weather seems to be good in a different part of Switzerland. In this case we can announce a Swiss League Cup in a different part of Switzerland.

At the moment we are optimistic, that the weather is good for competition flying and we can announce SC and SLC in Brigels. The decision will be made Thursday 18:00. The event will be on 2 of the 3 days.


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