
Competition News

New informations from CIVL and still the same position of PWCA

Martin Scheel 18. July 2011 Open versus Serial Class
Dear pilots

CIVL did make a 2nd statement in order to clarify the first one. It can be found in the attachment.

PWCA: No change in its position. Turkey and Spain will be flown "Open".

For Turkey, Semih Sayir does not see any problem this year.

For Spain Nicky Moss have had contact to the Catalan Federation President: "He has told me that the serial class requirement is limited to the Spanish Championship & Spanish liga and 'other' events in the 'Spanish ranking' calendar ie. autonomous regions leagues - catalan liga, liga centro etc.
'Independant' competitions are acting on their own recommendations. As such, at this time the Àger World Cup will proceed under the World Cup rules."

Best wishes, Martin



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