
Competition News

Minutes of the CIVIL Meeting 2019

Michael Sigel 4. February 2019 CIVL Meeting
Dear Pilots

On Thursday and Friday the annual FAI Hang Gliding & Paragliding Commission (CIVL) Opening took place in Lausanne and on Saturday and Sunday the Plenary Meeting 2019 was held in the same place.
It was a meeting without fundamental changes and mostly consisted of adjustments that make sense. However, the following points are interesting for us:

25b - Proposal PG Committee XC Ballast
Pilots must comply with the weight limitations set by the glider airworthiness standards. Weight can be measured at take-off or landing at the request of the organisers. Pilots may carry jettisonable ballast only in the form of fine sand or water. A pilot must avoid dropping ballast at any time or in a manner likely to affect other competing gliders or third parties.

25c - Proposal Bureau Leading points
Go back to 1.4 leading points and define leading points for the Worlds in the local regulations.

26b - Proposal HG&PG Committee XC Distance Measurements and Tolerances
For tolerances:
o For Cat 1, set the tolerance to 0.1%.
o For Cat 2, recommend a tolerance of 0.5% to allow pilots to still use equipment that calculates distances on the FAI sphere

26d - Proposal HG&PG Committee XC Safety Committee
Safety Committee should only include pilots with local experience, and should not be made up only of pilots expected to achieve high ranking in the competition, but should also include pilots expected to finish lower in the rankings. Every Safety Committee pilot must be on radio.

26e - Proposal HG&PG Committee XC Time Points
The best time is defined as the time of the fastest pilot over the speed section who also reached the goal.

33a - Proposal Portugal - Records & Non FAI comp
- From now on it is possible to have several reserve dates for competitions -> A Competition Organiser may specify several sets of dates as reserve dates for the competition.

33b - Proposal Brazil Records-GAP
- A flight timed from take-off to landing. Landing must be completed by twilight or sunset time, according to local air laws (night flying is prohibited) Note: FAI does not recognise duration as a category for hang glider records

- Declared records shall be informed to the pilots NAC via email or other electronic communications.

- For the guidelines:
In case there is a very slow takeoff due to wind strength/direction change, stable conditions or a similar weather difficulty the meet Director can adopt an Air Start Time announcement. The following details must be followed: a) Air Start must be announced at the pilot’s briefing; b) Starts will be made at the hourly 15minute intervals (i.e. 13:15, 13:30, 13:45, etc).; c) The meet director will announce the race start time via radio at least 15 minutes before the actual race start.

33d - Proposal Switzerland Junior
To include the pilot’s age in the current or in a new WPRS ranking system prior to Dec 2019.

34b – Bid France World PG XC
May 22nd – June 5th, 2021 in Northern Alps (Chambery)

39a – Anti Doping Program
Please read carefully. Penalties can become really serious!


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