
Competition News

Invitation to the First Swiss League Open (FAI 2)

Anja Kroll 20. April 2007 1st Swiss League Open
Swiss League Open, 28.4. - 1.5. 2007


In Switzerland we have the wonderful situation, that within a 3 hour-drive-radius around Interlaken very different weather zones are reachable. Next to the good flying sites around Interlaken (Grindelwald, Interlaken, Frutigen), we have the South (Tessin, Mt. Lema), West (e.g. Verbier), Wallis (e.g. Fiesch), Jura (Tavannes, Chasseral) and East (Grison, Fanas, Flims) of Switzerland with different weather conditions.

Therefore, since the beginning (1990), the Swiss League organised the Swiss League Cup in a “flexible” way. That means, no fixed flying area is chosen up front. The goal is a maximum of tasks and fun with a minimum of parawaiting and driving.

Please note: Due to this flexibility, we won’t be able to provide much in terms of infrastructure. But it is basically for free and we try our best to get you to fly as much as possible.

Possible Flight Area

The possible venues are all over Switzerland, including some close by across our borders, in Austria, France or Italy.


Swiss Pilots do not need to register. Foreign Pilots are kindly asked to register up front (see link on bottom). This is only for your convenience and to make sure that you are accepted before driving here.

The maximum number of participants is 80, with a minimum of 30 foreign pilots.

Entry Fee

The Entry Fee is Sfr. 50.- (about 30 Euro). This money is basically only used for transportation to take off. Anything else (e.g. landing fees etc.), you will have to pay separately by yourself. We will collect your entry fee during track-download after the first task.


If conditions are good, the Flight Area will be announced on Thursday (April 26) in the evening at Swiss League Pilots and registered foreign Pilots will also get an SMS with this information.

If the weather situation is very difficult, we will postpone the decision to Friday (April 27), at noon.

Waypoints, Goal Line, Retrieve

There is no upload of waypoints – coordinates will be announced at the task briefing and you will have to enter them manually. We’ll do our best to give you plenty of time for this.

No physical goal lines will be used, there will be only virtual goal lines.

There is no organised retrieve – but the Swiss public transportation system works really well.

Rules for Scoring and GPS. We will be using the current World Cup Rules for Scoring and GPS:

Report Back

We will use the CCSS SMS system. For a short description see:
You dont have to do anything up front. During the first Briefing you will be asked to register via SMS.

In any case, after each task, you’ll have to report back within 15 minutes after landing (or with the minimum delay possible).

Additional Rules

Human sense! (no link).
Swiss League Local Regulations:
Swiss sporting rules:

Scoring and Meet Director

Jo Wehrenberg (he scores all main Swiss events, he was the computer-responsible during the World Cup Fiesch).

Martin Scheel (Swiss League and tech. director World Cup Fiesch).


Swiss Federation (Sport), Angela Baumgartner:

Martin Scheel, cell phone: +41 79 44 55 163.





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