
Competition News

Info sunday

Andrea Voumard 8. April 2017 Swiss Cup Cimetta
Very beautiful today :)
Thanks Martin for debreafing and beautiful photos, Toni for the scoring and gps download.


Sunday from 08:15 ev registration, lunch bag
Bus shuttle: 08:45 - 09:45
Breafing: 11:15 takeoff area
Prize giving @ HQ: from 17:00

Tomorrow the wind situation will be very similar as today, generally weak on the mountains but probably moderate valley breeze on the floor. Sunny.
There will be more humidity on the air, basis 2200/2300m with cumuli.


vssg80.lssw-20170408-1200.jpg shv-c1-shv-uv10m-24-2.jpg rtavn241-2.jpg ce-ch-ctrl-uv3000-024-3.jpg shv-c1-shv-clc-24.jpg rt-2.jpg shv-c1-shv-uv800m-24-3.jpg buo-loc-cosmo-e-24-2.jpg ce-ch-ctrl-uv2000-024-4.jpg uwz-ch-foehn-de-11.jpg


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