
Competition News

Day 6 - cancelled

Michael Sigel 3. November 2017 World Cup Ecuador
When we arrived on the take off today, it seemed like the day will be better than the previous days: Even if the sky was over casted, small cumulus clouds could be seen and some free flyers were climbing already. However, until we were ready to run the same task as yesterday, the conditions decreased again and the free flyers bombed out. Again we waited at the take off, but at 13:20 we cancelled the day as we were running out of time.
While most of the Swiss team went down with the cars the days before, most of us decided to fly today and get at least some flying in Ecuador. But the conditions were very weak and only a few pilots managed to get over the take off and not bomb out straight away. I was one of lucky 5 pilots who managed to get to the cloud base at 750m. From there I had a nice flight around the area. The highlight was the thermal of the cement plant, which was 3.5m/s average, while all other thermals stayed bellow 0.5m/s.
Now everybody is back in the hotel. Again it is holiday here and there is nothing to do, everything is closed. That’s why we will probably enjoy again our nice hotel and pool.
Tomorrow is the last day, but there is no reliable weather forecast.

Just a short reminder: the PWC has a great App that can be downloaded for IOS and Android. The fee is going 100% to the world cup. Please have a look at it.



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