
Competition News

Day 5 - Task 4

Michael Küffer 20. April 2018 PWC Brazil
Finally, we had a day that looked great from the beginning to the end. A 90km-task was set: a beautiful tour to Pancas - another flying site with even more impressive rock formations - and back to the airfield of Aimorés which is just next to Baixo Guandu.
Again, the day look better than it was. Thermals were usually quite weak and had to be re-centered every few turns. Also, clouds could not be trusted. So, the race was pretty tricky and along the course line, there were many pitfalls and bomb-out options. The field was distributed in many groups and the cards got reshuffled constantly. A group of about 30 pilots took the lead at the turnpoint in Pancas and managed to keep this until goal.
Most Swiss pilots lost some time on the course. Michi Sigel pushed a little too hard just after the start and found himself in a position where he "could just see the last group at the horizon". He caught up well but got in goal about 20 minutes after the first group and had only few leading points. Alfredo, Yael and Emanuelle came to goal shortly afterwards, Beat a few minutes later. Jörg unfortunately bombed out on the way to the last turnpoint. Only Franz and I were in the first gaggle. I came in 30 seconds after the first but could win the task by leading points.



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