
Competition News

Day 3 - canceled

Michael Sigel 17. April 2018 PWC Brazil
After the rain yesterday, the busses had some troubles to get up to the takeoff on the muddy road. But finally everybody arrived on top and could see the rain moving in front of the takeoff. But the rain was not the only problem, as there was also quite strong wind from the SE (while the takeoff is facing N).
Well, we set an easy 65km task with the wind. But even before the first briefing, it started to rain. everybody was hiding under some shelter. We were waiting, as the forecast said it should get better for the afternoon. Indeed, it cleared up later and one wind dummy could slowly climb. However, fast approaching rain forced us to cancel the day. Some pilots took of and reported nice conditions, but up to 30km/h wind. Only minutes after the first ones took of, the organization had to close the takeoff because of rain and wind.


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