
Competition News

Day 2

Michael Sigel 30. October 2017 World Cup Ecuador
In the morning the sky was again over casted like we are already used to it. Means the team left the hotels at 8:30 and headed to the take off. To do so we need to drive 15km or 30min to the west of the city where the first small hills emerge. There we change to small 4x4 cars to overcome the 300m to the take off on the dirt road.
Pilots were all on take off, a 58km task to the North was set and we just needed to wait until the sun comes out. While the weather got better and better the days before, the clouds did not disappear today. One wind dummy managed to climb some meters in front of the take off, but the conditions were not good enough to start a fair race for 120 pilots. This is why the organization decided to cancel the day at 13:00. You might ask why they cancelled that early. Here is an explanation:
- Because of the small take off and poor wind conditions we need at least 1.5 hours to get everybody airborne. Even if the conditions become good at 13:30, means that the earliest time for the airstart is 15:00. Local pilots say that thermals shut down quite early around 16 or 17, which gives only a small chance to the fastest pilots to finish the task, while the slow pilots will bomb out and need to be retrieved after sunset.
Anyway, after the day was cancelled, most pilots decided to fly down to the official landing. And to the surprise of everyone some of them could make 200m above launch for some minutes. But for sure it was a correct decision to cancel the day.
Now everybody is back in town and pilots are looking for alternative activities like ice cream, gym or pool.


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