
Competition News

Day 2 - Tim wins again! - Swiss day

Michael Sigel 20. January 2017 Superfinal
The start was about 2 kilometers from the take off in the East, as an Exit cylinder. It was quite easy to stay in the air because we had nice clouds. Then we went to the South for the first turnpoint. First I was a little bit in the back off the first group, but that is not a disadvantage, as it means it is a good position to choose the way to the waypoint. Next turnpoint was direction the West, which was the difficulty off today's task. We got high cloud's and some small cumulus and it was tricky to find the way to the turnpoint. I was with Michael Sigel, Adrian Hachen and Stefan Wyss together. Me and Stefan where lower then Adrian and Michael, but we could catch Adrian before the second turnpoint. From there Petra Sliviva was flying with us. Michi went alone and lost a lot of time because off this. Later we flew to the goal in the South. Together with Adrian, Stephan, Petra and me, we flew almost together some km, before Petra lost the contact. From there it was only us three, way ahead of all the others. Stefan was first over the Goal line, then Adrian and me. Again I could win because of the leading points. Adrian became 2. Stefan 3. and Michael 4. which is again a great result for the Swiss team?



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wooooow! so guet!!!

Markus Roschi on Saturday, 21. January 2017, 17:48

Cool. Kompliment ans Schweizer Team. Macht weiter so und schreddert die Konkurrenten!

Beat Bischof on Friday, 20. January 2017, 21:44

Whow, super! Weiterhin alles gute euch!

Martin Scheel on Friday, 20. January 2017, 08:41

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