
Competition News

Day 2-4: Tasksetting is improving, the conditions, well...

Peter Morrissey 17. July 2016 Pre PWC Armenia
Day 2: Stable conditions. The 2nd turnpoint was already in the windy flats. Only 3 pilots could get back in the mountains. Even there it was difficult and nobody made goal. Team Switzerland landed in 35-40km/h with the others.
Day 3: The organisers learned and set up a more easy task with a lot of zigzag and no difficulties already at the beginning. Conditions were good, there was a small inversion at 2700m, and the cloudbase at 3600m. However we were not fast enough and the last ridge suddenly stopped working, plouf.
Day 4: North wind brought us to Sevan lake for thermodynamic soaring. Some tricky points in the flat separated the field. Yanick was pushing too hard, I could escape the shit and lost some time. Beat could stay high and did better.



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