
Competition News

93km in rough conditions / rankings / photos / + report

Martin Scheel 5. August 2015 Swiss Open Fiesch
We had a task to Riederalp - Grimsel - Nessel - Chäserstatt - Goal, 93km.

It has been very rough around Bellwald to Münster, especially up to 2500m because of a pretty strong SW-wind (25km/h). This wind has been more like a valley-wind. The last turnpoint at Chäserstatt has been in the downwash from south of the Binntal (this was the reason, that we cancelled after the first pilots reported that).

The reason for these special conditions has been, that at 3000m it has been warmer in the north than at the south of the alps. This produced a situation of Föhn, even if the pressure difference on the ground has been zero. See the charts we have got from MeteoSchweiz.

All photos on the link below.




wind-binn-visp.jpg -ms-8194.jpg -ms-8129.jpg tfi700-201508051200-kopie.jpg -ms-8208.jpg -ms-8235.jpg -ms-8266-1.jpg -ms-8149.jpg -ms-8175.jpg


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