
Competition News

54 km, nice conditions, Stef Morgenthaler wins + photos + 2nd prov. ranking incl general ranking

Martin Scheel 6. March 2011 Swiss League Cup
We went up to a take off site near Croix de Coeur (old Restaurant). Perfect conditions, nice place, no crowd. Yesterday the thermal top has been higher as we thougt because of cold air coming in at higher level. Today we got it pretty exactly: 2700m. No wind, nice thermals. Because of cold air coming in below we made aeasier task: 54km zick zag in the valley.
For the top gliders it has been easy. Steff Morgenthaler wins ahead of Joel Debons and Micha Sigel.

Ranking: Both days has been scored with the PWC 09 - formula. We will recalculate within the next days with the latest PWC formula.



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